Get kids to clean up, finish their homework, brush their teeth, and use these no-nag tactics. Here are helpful tips you can do to inspire your children!
Getting your kids to do things they don’t want to do might be difficult. And getting them to quit doing something you don’t want them to can be much tricky, even to stop doing them can be.
Experts who have figured out what motivates (and what doesn’t) kids to improve their conduct were asked to share their knowledge.
Reassess the benefits you’ve received
Clever children can often get past any reward system. In addition, research has shown that the good impacts of rewards are just temporary.
Of course, rewarding children for their hard work, such as mastering math facts, can be a short-term solution. People are more likely to commit wanted behaviors if rewarded for their efforts. What happens, however, is that the reward-dependent behavior will cease when the benefits stop. To get paid, adults go to work. However, if the income stopped, they would no longer go to work.
While using bribery to halt a tantrum on an airplane isn’t damaging in the short term, it won’t help grow your child’s character or teach him the importance of keeping his room organized or going to bed at a reasonable hour with external benefits. What’s the purpose of this? Insist that he does what makes him feel good on the inside, whether it’s an accomplishment in an area of study or a job well done.
Get to the Heart of the Matter
Having one-on-one conversations with your child is essential to unlocking their inner motivation. Inviting children to discover the logic behind why something makes sense can pique their intellectual curiosity.
Providing your children with constructive criticism during these discussions about how they’re managing their duties can also be a motivating factor and inspire them. The incentive for finishing schoolwork should not be a trip to the park but rather catching your child when she’s finished it at a reasonable time. Make the point that getting her homework done early meant she had more time to have fun later.
Embrace the flaws in their character
There are some household duties that most young children genuinely like if you let go of your expectations for their quality and speed of completion. To watch a child lose interest in doing chores between the ages of three and five is heartbreaking.
Instead of focusing on the fact that your child’s comforter is hanging unevenly, praise the effort they put into getting it off the floor. It’s also a good idea to ensure that your kids acquire the careers they want. This is one of the ways you can do to inspire your children.
Think about what they’re capable of
External benefits aren’t all that inspiring. If we can’t get our kid to do what we want him to, no amount of praise or punishment will make a difference. To help your child achieve her dreams, sit down with her and talk about what might be keeping them from succeeding. Contact her teacher, pediatrician, or mental health professional if you need additional information.
Appreciate the Effort
Let’s imagine your youngster woke up when the alarm sounded and went to get ready for school independently, without your help. Or he slept through the night instead of waking you up at 3 a.m. and hopping into your bed. Or he stayed in bed all night. Please do not fail to tell him how much you enjoyed not rushing to get him to school, how relaxed you feel after that unbroken night’s sleep, and how much you appreciate his efforts.
Let your deeds speak louder than any words you may use to describe yourself.
To keep your children from constantly fighting with their siblings, you should strive to handle your issues with your spouse in a loving and honorable manner instead of giving them sweets or other bribes to “be good.” It is crucial that you also use “thank you” and “please” when interacting with them.
While on the phone, if your youngster asks for your attention, don’t say “just a sec” if the time you spend talking is going to be closer to 20. When you put things off for as long as possible, you’re teaching your children to put them off as long as possible and not follow their promises. As a result, don’t be surprised if your children say “just a second” when you order them to leave a party or clear the table, and they don’t mean it.
You might as reasonably expect your kids to do the same. Having the courage to express what you mean and mean what you say can be a powerful motivator.