Don’t Miss These Important Aspects Of Their Life

April 7, 2022

Kids complete their parents’ whole world. Here are important aspects of a kid’s life that you, as their parent, shouldn’t miss.

When it comes to your child’s development, many of the events in their lives aren’t as exciting as they appear to be.

It’s exciting for us when our child reaches significant developmental milestones, such as the day she takes her first unsteady walk, says “Mama,” or starts preschool. Other essential milestones, though, may go unrecognized or unappreciated as our children grow up. We asked specialists to identify some of the most common and amusing ones, when they’re most likely to occur, and what they mean for your child’s growth.

Check with your pediatrician if you have any concerns about your child’s progress toward these milestones.


Your infant is simply a glorified eating, pooping, and sleeping machine for the first few months of life. However, between the ages of three and six months, he begins to develop a sense of humor and will laugh at things he finds amusing. 

At this stage of development, a baby’s brain begins to process information more quickly. Superactive stimuli—such as Dad making a comical face or Mom exclaiming, “I’m going to get you!” and kissing a naked belly—are typically required for a laugh. It’s at this point that his sense of humor gets more developed. If an older sibling walks around like a duck in front of the newborn, they’ll be inconsolable by 9 or 10 months.

Disturbing his expectations can help him stay in this charming stage: behave like the family pet, wear his teddy bear on your head, or sing and truly fall down. You can help him develop his social skills by joking around with him.


Around the time when their first birthday comes, children begin to use single words like “Mama,” “Dog,” and “Truck.” Eventually, when their vocabulary expands, they’ll say things like “huge red vehicle” or “furry white puppy,” which are more specific.

When that time comes, that is certainly a part of your kid’s life that you don’t want to miss.

They’re not just viewing the object; they’re also beginning to understand what distinguishes similar objects from one another. You can help your child’s vocabulary grow by using descriptive language when you talk to them.


It’s common for your child’s childhood memories to be accompanied by intense emotions, both positive and negative (Christmas at Grandma’s house, for example). The fact that she can recall experiences from the past indicates that she is improving her ability to organize events and memories, both of which are critical for future active learning. 

Despite this, your child is likely to have difficulty remembering the specifics of events, especially when they truly occurred. Initially, all prior occurrences are grouped together as ‘yesterday.’ Fill up the blanks and provide more information to help her remember. Talking about and looking at memorabilia together also helps her remember the past.

The act of dressing oneself gives your youngster a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. Kids must have well-developed motor skills and a solid understanding of balance to put on garments. Most three-year-olds can put on stretchy pants and tops on their own, but they can’t do much more. Your child’s fine motor abilities won’t be ready for snaps, buttons, and zippers until they are four years old. So stock up on some easy-to-put-on clothing and remember to be patient when she says, “I want to do it!”

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