Alternatives to Screen Time for Kids to De-Stress

April 8, 2022

These mind-body tricks are better than turning on Baby Shark in the middle of a rage tantrum.

My 6-year-old son had a comfort box tucked under his bed as a child. He stuffed it with a tiny blanket, a ball, and even a sequined bottle of yellow-tinted water to help him work through his feelings.

You never know what you’ll find peaceful. We enlisted the help of various health experts to uncover new ways to alleviate your child’s anxieties. Isn’t it time to give their concepts a try?

Here’s a trick for preventing a little panic attack from turning into a full-blown tantrum. You can help ease your child’s stress by repeating back to her what she has spoken. If she screams, “The math instructor has given us so much homework!” Give her a boost of confidence. So she doesn’t have to get further angrier to grab your attention; this method demonstrates you’ve acknowledged her frustrations.

Take a risk and do something unexpected the next time your child is sobbing that you don’t think he can hear what you’re saying. During this time, ask him to name five blue things or three that he can touch. It will assist him in shifting from the emotional to the rational areas of his brain, allowing him to calm down gradually.

Chanting “om” can stop tears from forming on your baby’s lips if you detect them starting to tremble. Make eye contact with him and rock him back and forth while doing so. You can also hold his hands and gently move his arms in circles. In the case of older children, you can encourage them to join in the chanting.

Every sound we make carries a vibration, and the sound “om” reverberates in the heart, creating pleasant feelings. Chanting is founded on this principle of sound carrying vibrations. The chant has also been proven to reduce activity in parts of the brain connected with emotions, according to scan results.

The finest thing about getting a hug from your parents is that they’re always there for you. The “butterfly hug” may help your child feel better if you’re away from her, whether she’s at school or in the middle of the night. Pretend that your child is blowing out candles by asking her to do it multiple times.

It would be best if she crossed her arms in a front-chest position as if she were hugging herself and directing the tips of her fingers toward her neck. 

In order to create the butterfly’s body, assist her in interlocking her thumbs. Having her do this while taking deep breaths and slowly tapping her fingers in an alternating right-to-left motion will help her relax. She can do this activity as often as she needs to feel better.

You might tell your child to take a deep breath if you notice that she is agitated. The question, though, is whether she understands what it implies. Teach her a technique for “belly breathing,” You’ll be able to remind her to do it whenever she’s feeling emotional. 

Ask your child to picture taking a deep breath and blowing bubbles with one finger. Relaxation occurs when the parasympathetic nervous system kicks in, activated by deep breathing.

Your newborn or toddler may benefit from a few squirts of water. Washcloth or put your fingers in a bowl of cold water and gently touch her face to apply a cool sensation. Her pulse rate and respiration can be slowed down by lowering her body temperature.

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