Educating Your Child About Dating Violence

April 8, 2022

As a parent we want our kids to have and enjoy fulfilling relationships. This article helps you in educating your child about dating violence.

Because both red flags and dating violence are more widespread than parents realize, you must bring them up with your child. In this article, subject matter experts offer advice on keeping the dialogue going.

When I was a teen, my protective and loving parents seemed like the enemy when I started dating. Enforced curfews and abstinence until advocated marriage but discussed no other option. Despite her encouragement, I felt the need to fabricate the reason for my desire for birth control. 

As a teenager, I experienced many regular sexual milestones, but they had a touch of shame and secrecy about them. Rather than openly discussing our relationships, we avoided discussing them at all.

As a parent, maintain open lines of communication with your children about red flags and dating violence because it is so widespread, and it is part of our responsibility. According to a recent nationwide study, nearly seven out of ten teenagers indicated abuse in the previous year. 

Many people associate domestic violence with bruises and scratches; however, the clear majority of youth said they experienced psychological abuse, followed by physical assault.

It’s crucial to remember that these conversations can be difficult and frightening for you even before sitting down with your children. Many people still have healing and learning to do when it comes to their intimate relationships. Spend time and energy on gaining knowledge about how to have healthy interpersonal interactions and good relationships. 

Self-help tools like movies from the National Domestic Violence Hotline and love is respect can help overcome domestic violence. Take care of yourself throughout these discussions since they may be triggering. 

Ask Your Teen About Dating Violence at the Appropriate Time.

It’s essential to be aware of your children’s maturity level before engaging in dialogue with them—the more definite, the better regarding children’s growth or age. 

For example, in elementary school, you can start teaching youngsters about setting and respecting boundaries with their classmates and never using violence to solve a dispute.

More complex subjects like what teens value in a romantic partner can emerge as they become older and start having crushes during their middle and high school years.

Coaching Boys Into Men. A youth anti-violence program and other similar initiatives can make a difference in the fight against dating violence. But there aren’t any in many places, so kids look to their parents and other trusted adults for guidance.

No replacement exists for a proactive approach to issues like preventing teen dating violence at home, even with these services available. The earlier we act with information and assistance, the better we can prevent abuse.

Parents should discuss healthy relationships with their children early and often. Middle school is an excellent time to start talking about dating specifically.

Giving a meaningful discourse about the warning signals of abuse is tempting. Still, this strategy is out of date and could backfire. Talk about dating with your kid regularly to help them create healthy relationships and make wise decisions to keep them safe. Through it’s vital to understand that someone can do all the “right” things and still be a victim of abuse. The abuser bears this responsibility, not the victim.

Concerning The Warning Signs

If you’re having a conversation with your teen about relationships, point out any warning signs.

Explain to your teen that jealousy, intense fighting, and excessive displays of devotion early in a relationship—are all indications of an abusive relationship that our culture likes to normalize. Ask them what they want in a relationship and learn more about their indicators.

Those signs can often indicate that your child is experiencing mistreatment if they don’t seem like themselves. They’re melancholy, worried, or no longer interested in the friends and interests that used to bring them joy. In some cases, “depression” might signify a more severe problem.

Encourage your adolescent to explain what’s going on by gently letting them know you’ve observed a shift. If you notice abusive behaviors, your teen’s relationship should not be controlled or dominated by their partner’s texts and phone calls. The same goes for treating someone else in this manner.

Become a role model for healthy relationships

Try to put what you’ve learned into practice about yourself by demonstrating respect, communication, trust, limits, honesty, and equality in all of your relationships.

Advise teenagers on considering their boundaries and essential things before engaging in risky behavior. Advising them ensures that they develop respect for their partner’s boundaries and their boundaries.

Do not enter your teen’s room without knocking and asking permission first. Accept their responses and the indications they provide you rather than demanding hugs. Respecting their boundaries may not be how you were used to when it comes to cultural norms. There are many different ways to model consent, but these are a few easy examples. The idea is to give children the confidence to accept and express “no.”

As couples become more involved in one other’s lives and reduce the number of friends, they have to coerce individuals into doing things they ordinarily wouldn’t. It is very vital educating your child about the significance of cultivating an entire life as an individual with hobbies, passions, and friends before a crisis point like this.

When they have this foundation in place, your child will be better able to discern when a romantic partner attempts to rob them of their identity.

Comments such as, “Would you like a cup of coffee?” “Your artistic output has been decreasing recently, and I’ve noticed.”, “Do you feel a little off-balance right now?” may assist in regaining their equilibrium. So that children do not lose themselves in their connections, it’s about helping kids undertake their critical analysis of interpersonal relations and the function they play.

Discuss Dating, Relationships, and Sex Openly and Honestly

Even if you think your children aren’t paying attention, a recent survey of 3,000 teenagers on domestic abuse suggests the contrary is true. The overwhelming majority of kids surveyed claimed that their parents were the most trusted source of information on this topic, citing Davis’s survey results.

As an alternative to lecturing your youngster, show your child that you are sincere. The best way to help young people sort out their values is to tell them about other people’s experiences with sex and dating. Assist them in making their own decisions about what is healthy and what isn’t.

You don’t need to set out a specific time for this. Having talked with less eye contact, such as while driving or walking, writing in a shared diary, or using a chat app, can help kids build stronger bonds. Some kids prefer talking when they don’t look at you; this is a technique of communicating that is less burdensome.

You can gain more knowledge from your child regarding entertainment. You can entertain them by giving them a book as a gift and adding their favorite shows and movies to your watchlist.

As recommended by activists, both Sex Education and Maid are good starting points for discussions about sexual assault.

Reach Out For Assistance. Getting Help Isn’t Always Necessary.

Thus, Black children or Latinx counterparts are more prone than white children to report physical violence such as hitting or slapping. LGBTQIA+ children are more likely than white or Latinx peers to experience violence. 

It can be even more difficult for marginalized children to get the Help they need and deserve when facing additional challenges. It includes internal conflicts over their sexuality or identity, anxieties that no one would believe them, and difficulties accessing legal aid.

You should take a deep breath if you fear your child’s spouse is harming your child—or causing harm to others. Get in touch with an advocacy center in your area right away. A confidential conversation with an advocate who understands the risk your child’s faces and local regulations is the best approach to get the Help and a strategy you need for their situation.

Make it plain that violence is unacceptable for the survivor and that there are various ways you may support them. If you wish to safeguard your child, don’t make them disclose the assault to the authorities or do so on your behalf.

Re-victimizing your child by making them feel powerless over their circumstances is what you want to do. Make clear that the choice of reporting or not reporting is theirs and that an advocate may assist them in sorting out the potential benefits and drawbacks of each option.

If your teen refuses to participate in the dialogue, keep reminding them that you are always there to support and encourage them. While they can sort things out independently, kids at this age still crave parental love and support since they’re in a “separation period” of “I can figure this out for myself.”

Instead of blaming their partner, children who engage in violence frequently try to excuse their actions and blame the other partner. Seek assistance from advocates to determine the subsequent measures if they don’t show remorse or refuse to keep to a plan to change harmful behaviors.

Be kind and patient with your child, no matter what their circumstance is, and don’t stop looking for Help for yourself. Even if it takes some time for your child to open up to you and accept your support, let them know that you’re always there for them if they need you to be.

These are just some of the ways, you can educate your child about dating violence.

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