Identify which kind of bullying your child may be experiencing. Here are 4 types of bullying parents should know and how to deal with them.
The four most frequent forms of bullying, including physical assaults and verbal harassment, can be identified in order to assist better children who are being bullied.
Bullying is characterized by persistent, cruel behavior that occurs when an imbalance of power or strength exists in a relationship. Among the various forms of harassment that exist are verbal attacks as well as physical, interpersonal, and cyber forms of harassment. Parents are still the most important source of information for children who want to learn how to protect themselves and others from bullying.
Tips for dealing with the four most common forms of bullying are provided herein.
Verbal Bullying
In the case of verbal bullying, which is bullying with nasty spoken words, the bully continues to call, threaten, and disparage the victim’s attributes (appearance, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, etc.).
The first step is to educate your children on the importance of treating others with respect. Be a good influence for others by appreciating teachers, praising friends, and treating store personnel with respect. Instill a sense of self-respect in your children and teach them to value their own unique talents.
Physical Bullying
Violent forms of bullying that include kicking, tripping, pushing, or otherwise touching someone in an undesired or improper manner are known as physical bullying or bullying that includes forceful physical intimidation.
Strike up a conversation with the bully and learn what’s going on if your child is being bullied at school. Ask if she’s ever been treated unfairly based on the comments you receive. Don’t let yourself get carried away. Insist on the importance of open, on-going contact with you and any school counselors or teachers you have.
Relational Bullying
“Exclusionary methods” are a form of “relational” bullying when someone is prevented from joining or being part of a group, whether it’s at a school lunch table, a game, or an organized social gathering.
Have a nightly conversation with your children about how their day went. Keep an eye out for things that bring joy to your loved ones, and make sure they know that they have people in their lives who appreciate them. Encourage your children to pursue their passions outside of the classroom by getting them involved in extracurricular activities such as music, art, athletics, and reading.
Related article: Educating Your Child About Dating Violence
Bullying in cyberspace, often known as “cyberharassment,” is the act of harassing another person by sending text messages, threatening emails, or social media posts. Even if your child isn’t directly targeted by sexist, racist, or homophobic statements, they nevertheless create a hostile environment.
Cyberbullying is a form of harassment that can happen at any time of the day or night because of the ease with which means messages can be sent and received anonymously. Determine appropriate time limitations for each age group. Learn about the most popular websites, applications, and devices before your children do. Your children should be aware that you are going to monitor their online activities. Teach children that they should not engage, respond, or forward cyberbullying to others.
As a result of this, they should notify you and allow you to print off the problematic communications, together with the date and time they were sent. The school and the internet service provider should be notified of any instances of cyberbullying. The police should be contacted if the cyberbullying spirals out of control to include threats and sexually explicit messages.
Be encouraging, admire her bravery for coming out, and gather as much information as possible if your child comes to you with bullying concerns (without getting angry or accusatory). Remind children that telling on someone is not the same as being a tattletale and trying to get them into trouble.
These are the 4 types of bullying parents should know about.
Related articles: Cyberbullying, Helping Children Develop Emotional Intelligence in Small Steps, Assisting Children in Dealing with Their Emotions