7 Things You Don’t Want Your Children to Post on Social Media

June 1, 2022

Everyone knows today’s kids and young people are guilty of oversharing on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Following is a list of social media etiquette rules for youngsters to keep in mind and 7 things you don’t want your children to post.

1. Personal identification numbers (PINs).

Children should be taught not to use their social security numbers, credit card numbers, or any other form of account password in any texts they send. Photos or movies with credit cards in them should be avoided as well. It’s impossible to be overly vigilant, especially when preventing kid identity theft.

2. Address/mailing/home location.

Google Maps Street View is just a few mouse clicks away. In addition, no one wants another Bling Ring. Likewise, encourage your children to refrain from taking pictures or films of your home (or taking selfies with it as a backdrop), particularly if street signs are prominently displayed in the images. Also, be careful with Foursquare if you don’t want too many people to know where your kids are at specific times.

3. Personal medical history.

– a.k.a. Even though there have been incredible examples of children being diagnosed and saved through Facebook, medical information (such as particular ailments, diseases, and allergies) should be kept private, as, with personal IDs, it should be. With medical records, juvenile identity theft can also occur.

4. Specific vacation days are included.

Your kids may be excited about Disney World or Hawaii, but it’s usually better not to post status updates like, “Can’t wait to meet Mickey in two weeks!” or upload images with the captions, “I am in Hawaii right now!”. Don’t tell anyone when your house will be or has been empty. You should instead encourage your children to share their holiday memories on social media after they return home.

5. Problems at home or school with other individuals.

You never know who will view a Facebook or Twitter status and be harmed by your rants about an irritating family member, sibling, friend, teacher, etc. Waiting until you can talk to someone face-to-face (whether it’s an objective person or the issue individual) may be difficult, but it’s always preferable. Embarrassment will be eliminated, as will internet conflicts and drama. It’s not going to be a long, drawn-out ordeal.

6. Photos or movies that are not up to par.

Nudity or risqué looks, hard-partying, smoking and drinking, drug use, etc., are all examples of images and films that could be misconstrued or misinterpreted. Everything that puts your children in a vulnerable position. Also, make sure your children ask their peers for permission before posting any images or videos on social media.

7. A court case may have sensitive information associated with it.

Make sure your youngster understands that if your family has been or will be involved in any court issue, they should not tell anyone about it. If you don’t like it, don’t make it the source of unhappiness (such as, say, losing money) and unwanted media attention.

Helpful related articles: Teaching Children to Use Social Media WiselyYou May Want To Reconsider Publishing Images Of Your Children On Social MediaIs the Increase in Suicide Rates Among Young Girls Due to Social Media

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