Having Fun Is The Best Antidote To Anxiety Right Now

June 1, 2022

During the coronavirus pandemic, children’s worries may be heightened. According to experts, having fun is the best antidote to anxiety right now.

Even though worries and fears are a typical part of growing up, they can become so ingrained that a child becomes apprehensive even in the midst of familiar situations, despite repeated reassurances from their parents. Anxiety might interfere with one’s ability to rest or appreciate one’s surroundings.

When the coronavirus pandemic is rampant with fear and uncertainty, it might be tough to deal with a period like this.

The good news is that play may be a wonderful cure for anxiety. Play is both a way to relieve stress and a safe place to discuss sensitive issues. Children’s difficult-to-express emotions can be expressed through imaginative play and a variety of manipulatives (dolls, stuffed animals, construction blocks, etc.). For example, Hurley claims that children may build a town with walls around it to express their anxieties during a pandemic.

The scene can be re-created by pretending or recounting the story, but the youngster is in command this time. As a result of acting it out, emotional healing takes place.

Here are a few ideas to help ease the stress of being in quarantine with your child.

Offer a Limited Quantity of Time

Take 10-15 minutes to get started on the timer. Assign a “special time” to your youngster during which they are free to do whatever they want. Make sure your phone is off and that you and your child have a one-on-one moment.

Allow your child to lead the way and select what they want to do. As a child, you might imagine a scenario in which you’re the instructor, or an older brother, who tells you what to do. What you should do is allow them to direct the play in a way that works best for them.

It becomes a beneficial outlet for your youngster when a special time is performed on a regular basis. When a youngster is allowed to express their emotions without fear of an adult freaking out along with them, it’s a great benefit. ‘I can be terrified and find a way to move past that fear if a caring adult is by my side,’ it says.

Laughter Leads You Home

It is natural for a child’s body to respond to fear or worry by preparing for a fight, flight, or escape response. There is a release of stress chemicals, such as cortisol and adrenaline. In order to avoid danger, their heart rates accelerate and their blood supply increases to their muscles. Anxious youngsters sometimes express stomach aches because they are unable to relax and their digestive systems may also be affected.

Laughter can be a great aid here. Stress hormones are reduced, and the production of the feel-good chemicals, endorphins, is induced, which decreases blood pressure.

Recreating anything that makes your child giggle is a great way to keep your youngster happy.

It’s time to empower them.

When children are afraid, nothing works better than putting them in the driver’s seat. You can build up a series of events that will lead to this. A pillow battle or a tug of war, for example, could result in you being thrown across the room. Just put up a little opposition, and then give in to your child’s demands and let him or her win.

To scare your youngster, you can say, “I hope you don’t push me into this dark room” while standing next to a dark room. Then you can act scared to give your youngster an even greater sense of control.

Physical play has the potential to have a profound impact on a child’s development. This type of play is ideal for children who are anxious because it gets them moving and improves their awareness of their bodies, maximizes playful touch, and helps them form stronger bonds with their peers.

Helpful related articles: Treatment for School Anxiety in Children, Helping Your Preschooler Manage Emotions & Preventing Anxiety, What You Can Do to Prevent Passing On Your Anxiety to Your Children

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