Height and Weight Gain in Children

June 1, 2022

If you’re concerned about your child’s growth, check out our growth chart to understand what to expect on height and weight gain in children.

When it comes to comparing your child’s growth to that of other children her age, health experts utilize baby growth charts for boys and girls. Because of this, they are difficult for the average parent to understand.

To make it easier for you to receive the information you need on your child’s physical development, we enlisted the help of specialists. An easy way to see how people’s weight and height change over time is to look at the chart below.

Growth of a baby’s height and weight.

From the time of conception until four days of age

At 19.5 inches and 7.25 pounds, the average baby is quite large. As stated by the National Center for Health Statistics, boys have a head circumference of roughly 13.5 inches, and girls have a head circumference of 13.3 inches.

A baby loses 5 to 10 percent of his entire body weight due to the fluid he sheds through pee and feces.

From five days to three months

Baby’s weight should be back to their birth weight by their second-week checkup, which is roughly an ounce or half a pound a week. Around 3 weeks, you can expect a growth spurt, followed by another at 6 weeks.

Three to six months

Around every two weeks, the average newborn should put on one-half of a pound of muscle mass. She should have gained as much weight as she did at birth by the time she was six months old.

Between the ages of 7 and 12

Children continue to gain one pound per month. If you’re breastfeeding, your baby may not gain as much weight as he would if he were formula fed.

Babies may also begin to crawl or cruise at this point, which could lead to an increase in caloric expenditure. Expect him to have grown 10 inches in length and tripled his birth weight by the time he reaches his first birthday, and his head to have grown by roughly 4 inches.

Growth in Size and Weight of a Toddler

Infants will develop at a slower rate than usual this year, but they will still put on 0.5 pounds and gain 4 to 5 inches in height overall.


Three years after birth, a child’s height and weight will have more than tripled, with an additional three inches and four pounds gained. Your pediatrician should be able to forecast her height as an adult by now.

Weight and Height Changes in Preschool Children

Three to four-year-olds

Three inches and four pounds are typical growth for a preschooler each year.

You may also notice that your child’s limbs begin to expand more quickly as he or she enters the preschool years.

Growth in Weight and Height in Children

Ages 5 and up

A child’s height and weight increase by around 2 inches and 4 pounds every year until they reach adolescence (usually between 8 and 13 for girls and 10 and 14 for boys). About two years following their first period, most women have reached their adult height. Around the age of 17, most boys reach their full height potential.

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