What My Parents Should Have Told Me About Sexual Interaction

June 1, 2022

In this article, we’ll talk about what parents should have told their teens about sexual interaction early on their childgood.

No matter how old I got, my parents never once brought up the subject of sex with me. In my freshman year of high school, my sex-ed class and the media provided me with the only education I could get. In my haste to avoid a potentially embarrassing situation, I didn’t understand how much information I’d missed out on until years later. This has become the standard for a large number of teenagers, who are only familiar with how TV shows and movies portray relationships and sex in terms of how they are depicted in the real world.

My 17-year-old self witnessed a slew of awkward events during my first week at college. When it came to dating, most of us freshmen were trying to keep up with our 20-year-old classmates, but we had no idea what we were doing. As far as we were concerned, most of those twenty-somethings had less knowledge than us. Despite the fact that we were considered young adults at college, my experience there was remarkably similar to that of high school. People of all ages were learning about sex and relationships in the most harmful ways conceivable from each other.

I know that my experience is typical for most teens, but this need not be the case. A sincere discussion about sex with your adolescent might begin with you as parents. I wish my parents had spoken to me in this way about sex.

Everything Has Changed Since the Internet Was Discovered.

No matter how old you are, there are new animals in adolescence that are more ferocious than anything an adult has ever encountered.

It’s hard to believe how intertwined we all are. Even before a real-life meeting takes place, a virtual relationship can be established via text messaging or DM. Unlike when I was your age, nothing you do will change the current state of affairs. We become better at hiding our activities when we monitor our phones. It only makes us better at utilizing other people’s phones at school while we are “disconnected” from the outside world.

Be Honest in Your Dialogue

If the “sex talk” conversation doesn’t feel genuine, it can be over before it even begins. In addition to contacting me as an overjoyed parent, please do so in the capacity of a genuine human being. A real person who was once my age, who went through the same emotions and went through the same extreme transformations as I am now, and who is aware of the strange nature of the world in which I am currently found.

Rather than lecturing me by saying, “I was your age once,” there is an organic approach to be on my level. Please get in touch with me, share your life tales, and let me know how I can improve. Let me share in your triumphs and hardships, even if they’re shared in silence. As a teen, there is so much you aren’t supposed to do or know that revelation can come in the form of absorption. Don’t force me to open up.

Please, Don’t Condemn Me…

We don’t need our parents’ disapproval to amplify our feelings of inadequacy, weirdness, and loneliness as teenagers. Parents informing us that we’re abnormal is the last thing on top of everything else we’re going through. Even if someone tells us we shouldn’t have sexual feelings at an “early age,” that doesn’t stop us from experiencing them. Accept me as I am and appreciate that my current situation may be very different from yours when I was your age. In order for us to thrive as teenagers, we must have some kind of support system in place.

In order to avoid awkward situations, be prepared.

Don’t make us feel like we have to speak what we want to hear in these discussions. Accept information you’re not ready to hear. Also, be sensitive that you may only have one opportunity to have this talk in the proper way. Create a safe, understanding, and most importantly, a welcoming environment. We’ll accept your attempts to guide us if you accept us as we are. But I’m confident that it will make a tremendous difference. If you put your mind to it, you can change the world.

Helpful related article: Talking to Preschoolers About SexSchool Sex EducationTeaching Sex Ed to Youth is a MUST

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