All About Birth Control Shot

June 14, 2022

Before considering having sex, you need to know how to protect yourself. This article is about birth control shot and how it works among many other options you can take.

The Contraceptive Pill

Every three months, women receive a shot of birth control to help prevent pregnancy. The progestin in the birth control shot is longer-acting than in the pill.

How does the Birth Control Shot work?

Preventing ovulation (the release of an egg) is the primary function of the hormone progestin, which is contained in the birth control injection. Pregnancy is impossible without the release of an egg, as there is no egg to fertilize.

The mucus lining the cervix thickens due to the progestin’s presence. As a result, it becomes more difficult for any released eggs to be reached by sperm. The progestin also reduces the thickness of the uterine lining, making it more difficult for an egg to attach to the uterine wall.

In order to avoid pregnancy, how effective is the birth control injection?

The contraceptive injection is an effective technique of birth control. Approximately six out of every 100 couples who use the birth control shot will become pregnant in the course of a year. Waiting longer than three months to get a booster shot increases pregnancy risk.

In general, a variety of factors influence how well certain forms of birth control function. These include a person’s medical history, as well as any medications they are currently taking. Additionally, whether or not they use the strategy appropriately depends on how convenient it is and how often they remember to use it.

Do Birth Control Shots Prevent Sexually Transmitted Diseases?

No. STDs are not protected by birth control injection. Always use condoms in addition to the injection to prevent the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.

What are the side effects and risks of the contraceptive injection?

Most women who use the birth control shot report that their periods have changed. The following are examples of possible side effects:

  • unregular cycles of menstruation
  • anxiety
  • excess weight
  • increased headaches

Pregnant women who use the birth control shot have been warned about its safety by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Studies show that this shot can cause a decrease in bone density. However, bone density can recover if the treatment is stopped. When the injection is used for longer, the bone density loss appears to be greater.

However, doctors are unsure about this type of injection’s long-term effects on young people’s bone density. Talk to your doctor and ensure you’re getting enough calcium daily if you’re considering the injection. Smokers should be truthful with their physicians about their habits, as smoking has been linked to a decrease in bone density.

For some people, their periods may be irregular for up to a year after they stop taking injections. Most users are able to get pregnant when they stop taking the shot, and the shot does not permanently affect fertility.

Who Is Eligible to Use the Contraceptive Shot?

Anyone who has problems remembering to take their birth control pills and wants the best possible protection against pregnancy may want to consider using the birth control injection. Nursing mothers can also use the birth control injection.

There are medical issues that make the injection less effective or more dangerous. Anyone who has had a blood clot, some types of cancer, or liver illness should avoid it, for example. A birth control shot should not be given to women who have experienced abnormal vaginal bleeding (bleeding that does not coincide with their periods) or who may be pregnant. Instead, they should consult with their doctors.

Where Can I Get a Contraceptive Shot?

A prescription is required for the shot, which is administered in a doctor’s office or family planning clinic once every three months.

Exactly How Much Is the Birth Control Vaccine Priced?

The cost of a single injection of birth control can range anywhere from free to as much as $150. The cost of birth control shots and the cost of the doctor’s appointment is often covered by health insurance programs. In some cases, Planned Parenthood and other family planning clinics may charge less.

Exactly When Is the Best Time to See a Medical Professional?

Those receiving a contraceptive shot should notify their physician if any of the following occur:

  • maybe expecting a baby
  • suffer from an unexplained fever or chills in the vaginal discharge
  • experience discomfort in the abdomen or the pelvis
  • can’t get pleasure out of sex because of pain or long-lasting vaginal bleeding can have yellowing of the eyes or skin
  • have symptoms of a blood clot
  • discomfort in the lower legs
  • chest pain
  • difficulty breathing
  • weakness
  • difficulty speaking
  • eyesight problems
  • depression

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