Children’s Storytime

June 14, 2022

Taking Steps Towards Education and Literacy

Do your kids like listening to stories? Children’s storytime has plenty of great benefits for them and their development.

Much has changed since the days of babyhood for preschoolers. As long as they’ve been read to a lot, they have a good grasp of the art of reading, such as:

  • Reading a book from beginning to end is the norm.
  • The images should be oriented correctly.
  • You read from left to right when you’re reading.
  • The written language is distinct from the language used in conversation.
  • Words have a variety of distinct sounds.
  • There are both well-known and obscure words here.
  • Beginning, middle, and end are all part of the stories.

Children must learn these early literacy skills before they may begin reading on their own. What can you do to aid in the growth of these abilities? Continue reading aloud.

Reading aloud from a variety of books will help your preschooler’s vocabulary grow and expose them to a wide range of themes. That is what your child will learn:

  • Written words are referred to as text.
  • A word is made up of letters arranged in a specific way.
  • There is a pause between each line of text.

This knowledge will be helpful to students as they begin to learn to read in school.

How and When to Read

Preschools and childcare centers are popular choices for children of this age group. Spending time together while reading aloud can be a great way to slow down and connect with your children.

As a family, make time for your children’s storytime as well. It’s a good idea to meditate before going to bed or at other “down” times of the day, such as first thing in the morning or right after eating. When you cuddle with your child, they will enjoy hearing your voice and knowing you care.

This age group is always looking for an opportunity to show off their knowledge and gain recognition. Repeated phrases like “Brown bear, brown bear…” might help your toddler remember and recite basic stories. Your child’s attempts at “reading” to you should be encouraged and praised.

Listed here are a few more pointers:

  • Yes, read that book again and again — but don’t sound like you’re bored while doing so. As your child reads the book over and over, he is improving his reading comprehension and fluency.
  • Introduce yourself to a new book before reading it. Consider the cover and speculate on the contents. Give a brief description of what an author does by mentioning their name. Mention the illustrator’s name and the work they perform.
  • In order to show the connection between what you are saying and what you are reading, move your fingers under the words.
  • Pause and allow your youngster to finish known or repetitious lines when you come across them. “I’m not a fan of green eggs, Sam,” I tell you.
  • Ask your child whether they can identify any letters or words. Speak carefully while your toddler listens to the words you point to.
  • Why did a character do what they did?
  • What is the premise of the story, and how does it begin? In the middle, what happened? How did you feel about the conclusion?
  • Discuss with your child which section of the narrative they enjoyed the most and why.

While it’s crucial to challenge your youngster, the most important thing is to have fun and like reading. Don’t treat your child’s reading as if it were a test. Spend time looking at the pictures, making up new terms, and otherwise letting loose.

Also, keep in mind that different children arrive at reading at different times. Some children develop a lifelong passion for reading before others. Keep reading and demonstrating how enjoyable it can be for your youngster if they don’t seem interested at first.

To help you focus everytime you start your children’s storytime, here are three crucial words to keep in mind: I’d love to have you join me on this journey! Come on, let’s have a conversation! We can have a good time together! You can assist your youngster to succeed in reading by doing these three things.

A-List of the Best Books for Busy People

Books that narrate stories are popular among preschoolers. Longer picture books are a wonderful choice because they can sit still and turn the pages. In addition to reading novels with simple narratives and repeated lines, you should also read works with a more complex vocabulary and a wider range of ideas. Consider reading novels with chapters that can be finished in more than one sitting.

Reading novels about other kids who look and act like them, but also stories about kids who live in various areas and do different things, appeals to children’s curiosity and interest. Do not be afraid to introduce your child to a wide variety of characters and discuss with them how each one behaves and makes decisions. It’s a good idea to incorporate talking animals, monsters, and fairies into your child’s world.

By reading stories about kids who have done the same thing as your child, you can help your youngster feel proud of their accomplishments. Reading stories about going to the doctor or dentist, starting a new school, or dealing with a bully can help your child express their fears and anxieties.

Books about school and making friends, for example, are excellent choices for children who are preparing to enter preschool or kindergarten. If your child is a little older, choose books that will challenge them and help them learn. It’s a good idea to look for books that teach the alphabet, numbers, or a wide variety of new vocabulary words.

Choosing a nonfiction book about owls, the ocean, dinosaurs, or the moon is a terrific idea for your child. Poems are still popular with preschoolers, so don’t forget about that. Jokes are starting to catch on with this age group, so humorous poetry and songs are sure to be a hit.

It’s also fun to read picture books with only graphics to communicate the story. The more you read a wordless book together, the more likely your child will be to recount the story to you or even to a favorite stuffed animal or doll.

Photo albums with captions and scrapbooks are fun for preschoolers to make, as well as store-bought ones. Put together a book from your child’s drawings with the help of their descriptions and labels and read it together at your children’s storytime. Have a good time designing book covers that will stand the test of time.

Magazines with lots of graphics are just as interesting for your preschooler to read as books. Enlist the assistance of loved ones who are aware of your child’s penchant for letter writing and receiving. Then put them in a separate box where your child can see them whenever they want.

What else can you do to encourage reading?

Preschoolers aren’t the only ones who enjoy picking out and reading books on their own. The best place to keep your child’s books is on the floor or on a low shelf so that they can readily access and enjoy them on their own. To avoid waiting in long doctor’s waiting rooms or post office queues, keep a few books in your car and carry them around with you at all times.

Encourage your child to read independently by placing a reading lamp next to their bed so that they can read for a short period of time before going to sleep. It’s also a good idea to encourage children who have just stopped napping to spend some quiet time reading on their own.

Doing your own reading at your children’s storytime is the single most important thing you can do to help your child learn to read. It’s time to put the TV away and read a book with your child. Encourage them to bring their favorite book to share.

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