Meltdowns in Children and Toddler Tantrums

June 14, 2022

Having a good understanding of meltdowns in children and toddler tantrums is the first step to lowering their frequency. Children wailing, crying, smashing doors, flailing on the ground, or clinging to the slide when it’s time to leave the park…

Many various things might cause a child to have a meltdown, from a toddler tantrum to a full-blown tantrum to a hissy fit.

Having a tantrum at home can be stressful, but having one in public can be humiliating. When it comes to dealing with a child’s tantrums, understanding what they are and why they happen is essential.


It is possible for tantrums, meltdowns, or hissy fits to end nearly immediately. Tantrums can last anywhere from a few seconds to many minutes, depending on their intensity.

A child’s tantrum may consist of the following elements:

  • screaming and shrieking to the top of your lungs
  • wailing loudly or squeezing their eyes shut
  • self-inflicted or other people’s injuries
  • rolling around
  • pounding the ground

Kids Throw Tantrums For a Reason

When your child has a tantrum, you have the opportunity to teach them how to control their own irritation and rage and calm down. Your youngster will gain valuable life skills and confidence when you teach him or her how to control his or her temper tantrums.

The tantrums your child throws could be a sign that they’re:

  • Disappointed or perplexed
  • Overwhelmed or frightened
  • Feeling hungry and angry

Tantrums Are Not Always Easy To Manage

Screaming, crying, and slamming doors are all signs that your child is having tantrums far too frequently, and that it isn’t only “just a phase.” It’s better to deal with a child’s temper tantrum now rather than later when they are bigger, stronger, and louder. This will lead to a more peaceful home environment for everyone.

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