Reading Time For Toddlers

June 14, 2022

Is Reading to My Toddler a Good Idea? What are the Advantages?

Reading time for toddlers enable them to learn. Children exposed to a lot of language in their daily lives do better in school. One of the best methods to learn a new language is to be read.

Reading to young children helps provide the groundwork for later success in reading on one’s own. When reading difficulties are detected in primary school, it can be difficult to remediate them. If children are introduced to reading as soon as possible, many of these issues can be avoided.

Early literacy abilities are necessary before youngsters can read on their own. Among them are:

  • vocabulary (called phonemic awareness) and an understanding of the way words are expressed on a page (synonymous with phonemic awareness)
  • understanding the alphabet’s letters

These abilities don’t require games, flashcards, or special teaching for a toddler to master. Parents and instructors must read aloud to their children on a frequent basis in order to help them become independent readers.

Making the Transition to Toddlerhood Easier

To help children transition from babyhood to toddlerhood, reading aloud is a vital part of the process. There are both joys and difficulties for toddlers between the ages of one and three years old. The stories of other children who have overcome their fear of what lurks beneath their beds or learned to use the bathroom can be helpful for them.

During this time, children learn about the alphabet, shapes, colors, animals, seasons, and weather. This can be bolstered by reading. Books with lots of illustrations that your youngster can identify and point to are best.

While your child is eager to explore the world and experience it, they also need a solid relationship with you. Your child’s sense of security and safety will be enhanced when you read to them on a regular basis.

The Best Time and Method for Reading to Your Child

At the very least, it’s a good idea to read to toddlers at least once a day. Reading at the same time each day, especially before bedtime, helps children develop the ability to focus on a book for long periods of time. However, if your youngster is in the mood to read, you can do it at any moment.

It’s fine to read to your child if they are old enough. Your child will feel more secure, content, and at ease as a result of this. In addition, it demonstrates that you’re fully engaged in the process of teaching your youngster something new and that you’re encouraging participation.

The best thing you can do for toddlers is to let them figure things out for themselves. Put out three or four books and invite your child to choose one from them. Praise the selection, let your toddler help you turn pages, and ask for help as you find things on a page.

You can encourage your child’s love of finishing sentences in books that use familiar or repetitive language by reading them aloud to him. Allow your child to finish a phrase or rhyme when you’ve reached a known or repetitious part of the text.

Another set of suggestions for good reading:

  • Even if your child requests the same book every night for weeks and weeks, read it to them (and weeks and weeks).
  • Read at a slower pace so that your youngster can follow along with the story.
  • Adapt your reading style to the character you are portraying by changing your voice and pacing your reading accordingly.
  • The best option is a sturdy board book or cloth book. You don’t have to worry about your toddler tearing the pages off of these books.
  • While reading, incorporate props, puppets, and finger plays (such as “Itsy Bitsy Spider”).
  • When you read rhythmic, sing-song books with your toddler, get them to clap or sing along.
  • Discuss the images. Name the objects you’re pointing to. Instruct your youngster to name them, and then reward them for doing so.
  • Open-ended questions could be asked: “Because the lion is looking for food in the woods. Do you have any forecasts about what’s to come in the future?” For example, you can encourage your youngster to think about the tale and ask follow-up questions.
  • In the book, use your child’s name as a character’s name.
  • It’s time to enjoy yourself! To encourage your youngster to read, show them that it’s fun.

It’s not necessary to sit still.

Reading to a fidgety youngster can be a challenge. Keep trying and be patient. To get started, look for something you’re interested in reading. Try again later if it doesn’t work, but don’t force the reading if it does. Keep in mind that toddlers adore repetition, so if your child isn’t interested in reading, you may need to locate a favorite and read it repeatedly.

When you read to your toddler, you may notice that they prefer to stand up. The majority of people prefer to read a few paragraphs before moving on to the next. Keep the book out so that your children can return to it later.

The fact that your youngster can’t sit quietly for a complete book doesn’t bother you; toddlers’ attention spans will improve in the future. Even if your youngster gets up and moves around, you might want to keep reading. Toys are a great distraction for your child when you read them a story before going to sleep. As you read to them, the sound of your voice will serve as a comforting reminder of the nighttime ritual, which includes reading books.

Coloring or playing with a favorite toy may keep your youngster occupied while you read to them. Even if they don’t look at you or the book, youngsters are still paying attention.

Ideally, you want your youngster to associate reading with happy emotions if you or your child becomes agitated while reading, consider putting the book down and picking it up later.

You may help your child develop early literacy skills by reading aloud to them. You can also:

  • Throughout the day, talk to your youngster.
  • Make up your own stories, sing songs, and play rhyming games with your friends.
  • Provide your youngster with paper and crayons so that they can begin to write.

Don’t overindulge in front of the TV or any other electronic device.

Books for Toddlers: What to Look for

A child’s desire is to be included and to believe that they are capable. The best option is a book with familiar or repeating content so that they can fill in the words. To keep your toddler’s attention, choose books with few words on the page and ones that you know they will like reading.

12-24-month-old toddlers:

  • Your children will benefit from thick, robust board books including photographs (particularly ones of actual children) doing the things they do regularly. Books on getting ready for bed, taking a bath, or preparing a meal are all excellent options, as are those that focus on saying hello or goodbye. Lift-the-flap pages and textures to feel will keep active hands occupied.

From 24 to 36 months old, try these activities.

  • As they begin to turn the pages of paper books at this age, it’s a good idea to move on from board books. The mechanics of reading are also becoming clearer to them. In order to “read” along, they prefer literature that is repetitious and easy to recall.

You’ll have a better idea of your child’s preferences by this point. Books on railways, trucks and plush bears are also available. Books about children, families, and animals are also popular with this age group.

Children adore looking at books, scrapbooks, and photo albums prepared by their parents or other family members (try adding simple captions). In addition, poetry and songbooks are fantastic options for this age group as well. It’s possible that story time will devolve into a sing-along session.

Effortless Methods for Keeping Books on Hand

Independent reading is a favorite activity for young children. To encourage independent reading, place books in a low basket on the floor or on a low shelf. Keep a few novels in your car to read while you’re waiting in line at the doctor’s office or the grocery store.

Allow your youngster to choose books to read at home from the library or bookstore. There are a number of libraries and bookstores that have story times for toddlers that are popular. Showing your child that reading can be enjoyable is also an excellent idea. It’s a wonderful method to serve as a role model for your youngster.

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