What Do Kids See When They Learn To Look Up

June 14, 2022

Awareness Through Observations

When it comes to role models, children instinctively look up to people around them. Whether or not parents are aware of it, they serve as role models for their children. Even when they don’t want to, this is how parents and other caregivers impart knowledge to their children. So helping your kids see and learn positive behaviors through observational learning when they look up at you is the best way to teach them.

Demonstrating proper tooth-brushing techniques to a youngster is a deliberate act. What about when you show your opinions, attitudes, reactions, and responses? A child might easily pick up on adult-inadvertently taught coping mechanisms for dealing with powerful emotions.

Think back to the last week and the times when you were annoyed, worried, or stressed. Identify those moments. What did your children notice? In order for children to understand their own emotions, they need to see their parents experiencing similar feelings on a regular basis. However, this can take many distinct forms.

The most important thing for children to see is their parents expressing their emotions in a healthy way and responding calmly and constructively to them. It’s something we can work on ourselves. We may not always get it perfectly, but we can always learn and grow.


As a parent, it’s your job to help your child learn how to cope with unpleasant feelings. Over a lengthy period, we assist our children in developing a set of abilities that we teach them in many different ways.

Your child learns about how to handle unpleasant emotions when they observe you coping with them successfully. (It’s crucial to acknowledge that children experience these emotions and to encourage them to open up about them.)

Our reactions to any event are never ideal, and we may always discover new ways to deal with them. If you’d like to make changes, understanding how thoughts and feelings are intertwined might be a big assistance.

Flexibility of Thought is a Good Example to Learn

Parenting and life can be a lot more fun if you can learn to think more positively. Becoming conscious of your thoughts when things don’t go as planned is the first step in developing a flexible way of thinking.

Leaving out a friend or family member’s online event for no reason is hard to conceive. Anger could emerge quickly if it appeared that someone purposefully excluded you from the group. The problem arises, though, if you discover that the invitation was issued to the erroneous email address after the fact.

“In other words,” other words, it has to do with thinking and emotion. An intense emotional response can be elicited by your personal interpretation of what transpired. Learning to pose the question, “What am I telling myself?” is the most important step. An overreaction could lead to a regrettable statement or deed in the future. Your acts and words have an impact on children, despite the fact that your thoughts are invisible.

Isn’t what happens important? It’s how you perceive what happens that determines your feelings. The flexibility of thought and looking for other reasons for what has occurred can be really helpful.

Once you’ve grasped the concept, you may put it to good use by putting it into practice in stressful situations. The idea can be introduced to your children. Be more cognizant of the example you’re setting yourself. It’s impossible to achieve perfection, but you may make beneficial adjustments to your life. One method to assist your children in growing up with healthy emotional coping skills is by teaching them this technique.

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