Keeping Corona Virus (COVID-19) Out of Your Holiday Gatherings

June 16, 2022

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, holidays and other gatherings have changed. Adults and children alike have been stressed by it. The importance of continuing to gather and celebrate in novel ways cannot be overstated. Reconnecting with loved ones during special occasions might alleviate the effects of “pandemic tiredness.” So in this article we’ll talk about ways on what you can do in keeping Coronavirus out of your holiday gatherings.

Gatherings grow safer when more people are inoculated. People with weakened immune systems or medical disorders may still become infected even after receiving vaccinations. As a result, we must continue to exercise prudence. Here are some tips for having fun while keeping your loved ones safe and happy at the same time.

Celebrations should be kept to a minimum.

It is always best to keep the celebrations inside your own family when it comes to holidays and other special occasions. Host virtual events to stay in touch with loved ones you won’t be able to see in person. For instance, you can “see” one other’s holiday decorations and trade food ideas as well as converse while dining. Weddings, funerals, and other life celebrations can be streamed live online so that loved ones from near and far can attend virtually.

Hosting and Attending Social Events in a Safe Manner

It is possible for certain families to gather with folks they do not live with. This is a riskier option than meeting digitally or with family and friends. When planning a party, here’s what the CDC recommends:

  • It’s best if you can all meet outside.
  • Ventilation can be increased by opening the windows if you are indoors.
  • In order to avoid contracting the virus, anyone above the age of 2 who has not received the COVID-19 vaccine should wear a face mask when eating or drinking. Every person above the age of 2 should wear a mask when indoors or in busy outdoor settings in locations where there are many COVID-19 illnesses, even if they have been completely vaccinated.
  • At least six feet apart should be the minimum distance between guests from different families. Chairs or tables should be set up ahead of time so that guests know where they can sit.
  • Keep the visit to a maximum of a few minutes. You may want to think about coming together only for dessert, or maybe going without food or drink altogether.
  • To avoid contaminating each other’s food and drink, encourage attendees to bring their own. Only one person should be allowed to touch the serving spoon if you must share meals. This can be accomplished by having someone serve the food (while wearing a mask). Consider pre-planning the food for serving. Take a plate away from each person while maintaining a physical distance.

The following steps can be taken to keep germs from spreading:

  • Hands should be washed frequently. At least 20 seconds of soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be used.
  • Anyone who seems unwell should be avoided at all costs.
  • Clean frequently-used surfaces (like doorknobs, counters, phones, etc.).
  • Never put anything in your mouth or put anything in your eyes.
  • Make sure you get vaccinated against influenza every year (everyone who is 6 months of age and older).
  • As soon as you’re eligible, be vaccinated against COVID-19. Booster immunizations are recommended for everyone over the age of 12, including adults and children.

Meaningful articles you might like: What You Should Know About The Pfizer Vaccine, How To Communicate With Your Children About The Covid-19 Vaccine, Children From Minorities Are More Likely To Die From Covid-19

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