Readers of A Certain Age

June 16, 2022

When you listen, you learn. A child’s ability to read expands exponentially from kindergarten through third grade. Parental involvement is critical to get their young readers to improve at a certain age.

Listening to books read aloud is a better learning tool for young readers than reading them independently. Hearing books read aloud and having family talks about the meaning of new phrases are two of the best ways to increase a child’s vocabulary.

In time, children will be able to read on their own. You should not, however, quit reading to your children. Reading aloud to your child can help expand vocabulary, enhance reading abilities, and foster a strong bond between you and your child. You may assist in strengthening the link between what you read and your daily life by encouraging discussion about characters and sharing your thoughts on books.

Your Expanding Audience

Kindergarten to third-grade reading typically follows this pattern:


The majority of children begin learning to read at this age. This year, kids should be able to identify most of the letters and their sounds, pair up words with similar initial or final sounds, and read and write a few simple sentences at the end of the year. There is a chance that they can also read simple text.

The first grade.

Many more words are learned by the majority of students this year. There are many different phonics patterns that kids can use to sound out words and an increasing number of words that they can recognize by sight. By the conclusion of the school year, most first-graders can read simple novels on their own.

Grades two and three.

It’s common for second and third graders to learn more phonic patterns and sight words for reading and spelling, to read aloud more expressively and fluently, and to use reading to learn more about the world around them. You’ll notice a change in your child’s demeanor as they begin to devote more of their attention to reading. Children this age should have mastered the art of reading and should now be reading to learn.

Speak to the teacher, school counselor, and doctor if you have any concerns about your child’s reading ability. Dyslexia, a reading problem, may be blamed for a child’s inability to read. Most kids can become readers with the right educational help, but finding and dealing with the problem early will bring the best results.

Reading Recommendations

As your child’s reading skills improve, give them more freedom to pick and choose from a larger selection of books. In terms of reading aloud, you should seek two types of books: that can be read independently and those that are a step beyond what your youngster is now capable of reading. For example, your child will be able to read some books independently, while you’ll read (or at least aid with) the more difficult ones, which will help your youngster learn new terms.

Choose books based on the interests of your child. Sports? Music? Dinosaurs? Provide books on subjects that you know your customers are interested in. Look for books on great explorers or historical fiction set on whaling ships, for example, when you know your youngster is interested in whales. As your child matures, you may find that they appreciate more and more complex books that teach them about the world and address social and ethical issues.

If your child is reading independently or for school, talk with them about the books they are reading and their favorite topics and authors. Encourage your child to read all the novels in the author’s series. Some kids want to keep track of their favorite authors’ novels.

A few other genres of novels that children could enjoy are:

  • biographical books about well-known people
  • books on overcoming difficulties as a child
  • language-playing publications
  • mysteries
  • literature from the realms of science and fantasy
  • series based on a common theme

Another strategy to pique your child’s interest in reading is selecting books your youngster can relate to personally. Introduce some of your childhood favorites and explain why you enjoy them. Junior editions of the same periodicals you read may also interest your children.

When and Where to Read

An elementary school student’s timetable is likely to be jam-packed. While scooting from soccer practice to music classes, you might be eating dinner on the fly. Set up 30 minutes a day to read with your child so that they might succeed in reading in the future. Keep in mind that even if you can’t devote 30 minutes to reading every day, any time you spend doing so is better than none!

Talk and discuss what you read before, during, and after the narrative by asking open-ended questions that encourage your child to engage with you. The best way to read is to express yourself and have fun.

You should allow your child to read to you as he or she gets older. One option is alternate reading (“I’ll read a page, then you,” etc.). You can “practice” less familiar terms by having your child point to the words you pronounce on a certain page or even in a specific line of text before introducing them.

You can help your child learn to read difficult words by encouraging them to “sound it out,” which is the practice of splitting a long word into smaller parts and reading one portion at a time. You can skip the word if it’s still too difficult for you to understand and then think about the rest of the statement (“What word do you think would work in this sentence?”).

Make a conscious effort not to correct your child’s every blunder since this will only serve to irritate both of you. Allow your child to pick a book that they feel comfortable reading if the one they’re currently reading is too difficult. This will assist your youngster gain reading confidence.

Tips for keeping your child’s attention if you’re reading a long chapter book:

  • It’s always good to recap the previous chapter before starting a new one.
  • Re-read the sentences that made your youngster laugh.
  • Allow your youngster to read to you from time to time (if they want to).
  • Consider summarizing or skipping a material section if it’s too difficult for your child. You may also volunteer to read for a while.
  • A character’s actions or decisions can be the subject of a discussion with your child. Would they have done anything differently? For your child’s enjoyment, don’t ask questions until the finish.
  • If you’ve read something, be honest with yourself and your child about it.

Preparation for Reading

Getting youngsters excited about reading doesn’t always need reading aloud. You may use everyday activities like cooking and having your child read the recipe to teach your child about the world around them. Ask your youngster to read the rules of a new game out loud to you as you play.

To get youngsters involved in vacation planning, hand them a magazine or brochure about a potential holiday spot and ask them to point out aspects they find interesting.

If you want to help your kids learn new words and find answers to their inquiries, you should get a children’s dictionary. Encourage your children to think critically and critically examine everything they read on the Internet.

Having a library card and frequent access to it is essential for children. Allow your children to choose books or ask the librarian for help.

The two of you should set aside a specific time each day to read together. Even if your child is getting older and spending less time with you each day, reading together can still be a method for you to bond. You can get a glimpse into your child’s thinking about the world by talking about what you’ve read.

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