Advantages and Disadvantages of Competition Among Children

July 11, 2022

There is always competition, whether it’s for the presidency, the cross-country title, or the title of school valedictorian. Is it a good thing, though? How important is it to instill this value in future generations? In this article, you’ll learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of competition among children.

When it comes to teaching children how to be competitive, there are varying opinions. Children can learn about winning and losing in the real world, according to some, if they are exposed to competitive situations as children. Some people believe that competition is harmful, while others believe it is beneficial. There are advantages and disadvantages to both methods.

Drawbacks And Advantages

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They believe that competition is harmful and harmful to children, and they oppose the idea of creating a competitive spirit in them. They worry that it puts too much pressure on kids to perform at their best in either a spelling bee or a soccer match. They also claim that it can lead to unnecessary tension and anxiety.

Children who participate in competitive activities are typically left feeling sad, beaten, and self-conscious. On the other hand, competition can negatively impact a child’s self-esteem if they believe they don’t measure up or aren’t being rewarded for their efforts.

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Many parents do away with the competitive aspect of every activity and announce that everyone is a winner in order to avoid these negative memories. This is the “everyone gets a trophy” mindset.


  • Preparing children for real-life circumstances in the future
  • Builds life skills such as empathic understanding
  • widens one’s scope of familiarity
  • Encourages children to learn from their mistakes.


  • Excessive stress can lead to bad emotions.
  • Having a low self-esteem is harmful.

The Benefits of Healthy Competition

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A little healthy competition may actually be beneficial to children, according to some who see competition as a natural part of life.

Competitive activities help children learn crucial life skills such as perseverance, tenacity, and resilience, all of which will serve them well in adulthood. They also learn to take turns, encourage others, and build empathy.

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There may be a belief among certain coaches. However, parenting is not simply about protecting children but also about helping them grow in confidence and self-esteem. In other words, it’s crucial for children to learn to deal with the sting of defeat that comes from a grueling sporting event. They can avoid the temptation to quit or give up when things get difficult.

As crucial as it is to let a child experience the unpredictability and instability that comes from competitive circumstances, it is also necessary for a youngster to feel protected.

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Protecting their children from failure is a common blunder made by parents. Failure is a good thing. Even if it’s uncomfortable, this is an excellent opportunity to learn. To put it another way, learning from failure not only inspires kids to try harder and perfect a skill, but it also can help them become more successful people who don’t crumble the first time things become tough. It’s possible for kids to learn how to lose while yet feeling good about the work they put in.

Overall, healthy competition can educate children that success does not necessarily go to the best but to those who work hard and persevere. The most important thing is to discover healthy competitions for your children.

Describe the characteristics of a healthy competition.

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Recall that competing in and of itself does not necessarily cause harm; it is the way in which people participate in competitions that can be harmful. For example, if the goal is to win and kids don’t get any education from it, they will be discouraged when they lose. Children will benefit from tournaments if parents, coaches, and spectators are able to look at defeat in a positive light.

A growth mindset should be fostered by competition. While they acknowledge their current abilities, kids with a growth mindset believe they can grow, improve, or acquire new skills given time and effort. Children with a growth attitude are more likely to enter competitions with the mindset that they can still have fun even if they don’t do well. They are aware that they have the capacity to grow and develop. They’re also willing to give it a shot.

How to Discuss Competition with Your Child

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It is your responsibility as a parent to help your children view competition in a positive light.

When kids compete with each other in healthy ways, they learn that competition is about more than just winning or losing. Keep in mind that competition is about choosing a goal and then achieving it, rather than about winning or losing. In order to help their children cope with the difficulties they face, parents must be present. Regularly reinforcing that failure is okay as long as they are trying their best and learning from the experience is also necessary.

Recognize the Various Types of Objectives

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In certain competitive circumstances, winning is clearly the most important goal. If a child’s sole concentration is on winning, this will inevitably lead to an unhealthy atmosphere.

Instead of emphasizing results, emphasize character traits.

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Every youngster will face competition, whether it is in sports, dance, or the scientific olympics. In these kinds of situations, instead of focusing on winning, focus on things like effort. Next, no matter what happens, show your children what they did well.

Keep in Mind That Success Involved Failure

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Allowing a child to fail is one of the most critical components of competition, despite the fact that it may seem strange at first.

They discover that they can recover from failure and move on from it if they are given the opportunity to fail. The fact that they failed or lost a competition doesn’t have to characterize who they are. One way parents can help their children is by sharing their own stories of failure and the lessons they’ve learned from it. Allowing students the opportunity to fail before they enter college is the goal. In this way, whether kids face difficulties or failure, they will be able to move on in a healthy way since they will regard it as a normal part of life.

Freely Express Your Approval

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Parental love and acceptance may be withheld from a child if the latter does not live up to or win a competition set by the former. An anxious child is one who does not feel loved or safe when this occurs. As a result, children begin to assume that if they don’t win, their parents won’t value them since they aren’t good enough.

It’s not uncommon for youngsters to work themselves to the bone to make their parents pleased when this happens. However, trying to win favor with their parents is a risky course of action that may have negative consequences for their mental health. Instead, children benefit from parents who show them unconditional love and support. No matter what occurs, children should know that they are loved unconditionally.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

Keep in mind that there are a variety of competitions, regardless of where you stand on the issue of competition. In addition, some of them have a more cheerful outlook on life.

If you want to instill healthy levels of competition in your children, seek activities that emphasize both individual achievement and cooperation among teammates. Also, make sure it’s something your children will enjoy, which will keep them interested so they’ll stick with it.

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