Bad Bullying Pieces of Advice

July 11, 2022

When someone offers advice on how to deal with bullying, they usually mean well. Their advice can sound trite and outdated for those who are not trained in or have practical experience with bullying prevention. That’s why parents need to be careful, because bad bullying pieces of advice are not always helpful; some are even downright dangerous.

For example, many individuals provide cliched advice such as, “Don’t let it get you down” or “This too shall pass.”

Bullying advice given by certain people is not only dangerous, but it is also incorrect.

You or your child could suffer harm or get into trouble if you heed their advice.

Having to deal with bullying is difficult enough without dealing with incorrect advice thrown into the mix. When others learn that your child is a victim of bullying, they generally remark on one of the following things. Make sure you don’t follow this piece of wisdom. It’s possible that you’ll make things worse if you do.

“Attack Him”

This is a common advice given to parents of children in elementary school. But to say to a youngster, “strike him back,” is not only harmful and ineffectual but also the essence of lazy parenting. In the worst case scenario, telling a youngster to beat him back without addressing the issue is the worst thing a parent can do.

Talk to your youngster about what is going on instead of ignoring them. Find out what the bully is doing and come up with a plan of action to deal with it. Talk to your child’s teacher and the school administration about your concerns. Learn what the school plans to do in order to make the school a better environment for your kid.

“Don’t think about it.”

Despite the fact that it’s a good idea not to react when a bully says or does something, your child should not pretend that the bullying isn’t taking place. As a result, he should inform an adult (e.g., his teacher or coach) about the situation. Bullying is all about gaining and maintaining dominance over others.

Your child’s life will be in the hands of the bully if the bully is able to silence them.

Instead of lecturing your child on how to deal with bullies, show them appropriate ways to deal with the situation. Let him rethink the bullying, but don’t make him pretend it doesn’t exist. The best way to deal with bullying is to tackle it head-on.

“Don’t Tell Anyone.”

A person who replies to someone who has been bullied this way conveys a variety of messages. To begin with, they are informing the child that reporting bullying is a poor idea. They’re also sending a message that they don’t care about solving the problem by brushing the child off. 

Teaching children the distinction between tattle-telling and reporting is a better option for this age group. Reporting bullying requires guts, and children need to know they may bring up the subject with an adult.

“Get Even.”

Regardless of what others tell you, retaliation or revenge will not improve your or your child’s mood. Retaliation, on the other hand, would leave you feeling drained and downtrodden. A more effective strategy is to concentrate on what your child can influence, such as how he responds to bullying and how you plan to approach the problem.

You may even be able to talk to him about forgiving the bully at some point in time. Forgiveness not only strengthens your child’s character but also empowers them to take control of the situation. Your child can let go of the past and move forward when they choose forgiveness as an option.

“Discuss It.”

It’s still considered a good idea by some schools and businesses to put the bully and the victim together in the same room. There is a power imbalance that prevents mediation from working.

Don’t let your youngster participate in school-sponsored mediation. Taking this action will not benefit your child and could lead to even more victimization, so don’t do it. As an alternative, propose that school authorities meet separately with the victim, the bully, and the bystanders.

Your child may then tell his side of the story without fear. Also, ensure that your child’s privacy and safety are protected. Retaliation is a significant concern for many people.

When it comes to keeping your child safe at school, school officials have an ethical and even legal obligation. Observe them and ensure they do all they can to prevent such tragedies.

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