Cyberbullying Is Becoming The Most Common Type of Harassment

July 11, 2022

Children worldwide are being affected by cyberbullying. As a result, cyberbullying has overtaken bullying as the most common form of harassment for adolescents in middle and high school. Cyberbullying is becoming the most common type of harassment.

59% of U.S. teens have been cyberbullied or harassed online. 90% of youngsters feel it is a big issue for young people their age.

What Are the Different Forms of Cyberbullying?

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

42 percent of kids say they’ve been called insulting names on the internet; this is the most common form of online harassment. Furthermore, a third of kids say they have been subject to internet slander or gossip.

Sexting, or sending sexually explicit messages or images to minors, is another way teenagers are being harassed online. A whopping 7 percent of teenagers report that they have been exposed to sexually explicit images without their knowledge or consent.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

Sexting is rare compared to other forms of internet harassment, yet it is a major concern for parents. According to a new survey, most parents are concerned about their children sending or receiving sexually graphic photographs. As a result, 21% of kids have been asked about their location, who they are with, and what they do with others. This type of demanding conduct is often the first indicator of abuse in a romantic relationship, and it should not be dismissed.

Factors That Influence Cyberbullying

The type of cyberbullying that a person encounters appears to be influenced by their demographics. Teens may be targeted in different ways depending on their gender, financial status, and level of “online” activity.

1. Gender

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

When it comes to cyberbullying, both boys and girls face the same risks, but there are differences in the types of online harassment they face. Girls are more likely than boys to encounter name-calling and rumors, receive explicit messages, be harassed about where they are, and receive physical threats.

2. Financial Status

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

Poorer households are most concerned about physical harm. A person’s income also plays a role in how often they engage in online bullying. Those who originate from lower-income homes are more likely to be bullied online than those who come from higher-income families.

3. Online Presence

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

The frequency with which a teen uses the internet is also associated with the chance of being a victim of cyberbullying. An estimated 45% of today’s adolescent population says they use the internet nearly constantly. Cyberbullies and harassers are more prone to target them.

About seventy-two percent of teenagers, compared to just over fifty-three percent, who say they are online almost constantly, have been the victims of cyberbullying.

4. Where It Takes Place

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

Most cyberbullying is taking place on Instagram. In comparison to 37% on Facebook and 31% on SnapChat, 42% of those polled said they’ve been bullied on Instagram.

About a quarter (24 percent) of those who had been bullied stated their personal information had been leaked online. Another 18% had their profile incorrectly reported, and 27% had unwanted photographs or videos shared.

5. The Need for Adult Intervention

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

Teens are incredibly dissatisfied with how adults in their lives are managing cyberbullying, given the volume of harassment they are subjected to on a daily basis. In the eyes of the majority of teenagers, the only adults capable of dealing with cyberbullying are their parents. As a matter of fact, 59% of kids believe their parents are doing a good job of handling the situation.

Meanwhile, teens are dissatisfied with the responses to cyberbullying from educators, politicians, social media platforms, and bystanders. Cyberbullying is on the rise, and it’s clear that something needs to be done about it if we’re going to solve the problems it causes.

Help Those Who Have Been Bullied Online

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

When someone is being bullied online, the ramifications are far-reaching. Because of this, parents and educators must do everything they can to help anyone who is the victim of cyberbullying and teach them how to respond. Ignoring or downplaying cyberbullying’s impact just exacerbates the victim’s already intense feelings.

It’s critical that those who have been subjected to cyberbullying understand that they are not the only ones who are skeptical of the claims made online and that there is strength in numbers.

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

Despite the fact that cyberbullying is on the rise, it is unlikely to go away any time soon. As a result, teenagers must be taught how to be good digital citizens.

Teens can easily say harsh things while hiding behind a computer screen, and this is an issue that needs to be addressed. Consequently, individuals are more likely to do and say things they would never do or say face-to-face.

The importance of teaching children good digital etiquette cannot be overstated. It will be impossible to continue calling each other names or spreading rumors until that time comes.

Helpful related articles: Reasons Why Parents Should Discuss Bullying, Rape, and Suicide with Their Children, Understanding The Differences Between Bullying and Unkind Behavior, What You Need To Know About Bullying

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