Difference Between a Male and Female Bully

July 11, 2022

Bullying affects children on a daily basis. They are pummeled, pushed, and humiliated as a result of their abuse. In addition to the type of bullying they’ve been subjected to, as well as the gender of the bully, each encounter is unique. There’s a difference between a male and a female bully.

According to a study, women employ more relational violence, while men use more physical bullying. To be clear, neither girls nor boys are exempt from physical aggression or exclusion, yet studies show that the prevalence of bullying varies by gender.

Understanding the differences between men and women is critical.

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Researchers have determined that effective bullying intervention and prevention programs must include understanding the role gender and gender stereotypes play in bullying. Gender identity, for example, can influence how youngsters relate to and interact with one another.

When it comes to bullying, gender norms have a direct impact on how young children are socialized. Males are taught to be strong and self-reliant, while girls are taught to be compassionate and empathetic.

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Males and females perceive bullying differently because of this indoctrination, regardless of whether they are the aggressors or victims. And kids who don’t conform to the conventional gender roles are frequently bullied and poorly viewed. Among the most common forms of gender-based bullying is physical and verbal abuse. Perceived gender biases can lead to even sexual harassment, which is often seen as a legal issue rather than a form of bullying.

Teachers, therapists, and parents can better prevent and deal with bullying when they are aware of the differences in bullying behavior based on gender. They should also fight against gender stereotypes from a young age and provide a comfortable environment for youngsters to express themselves.


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Males are more likely than girls to engage in bullying behavior that involves physical violence. As soon as someone shows signs of weakness, bullies will attack them.

Some male bullies even form a crew of adoring henchmen who seek the approval of their leader. These followers are willing to do or say anything to keep their place in the organization. Similarly, bullies often like the heightened social standing that comes with getting into a fight.

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

As a result, they are more likely to engage in threatening behavior and to be blunt in their bullying tactics. Males have also been found to bully both girls and boys, according to research. Bullies are also more likely to be frank about their actions, making it simpler for parents and teachers to identify them.

However, this does not exclude more subtle forms of aggressiveness, such as relational aggression, on the part of boys. Boys aren’t typically seen as manipulative, gossipy, or prone to social exclusion by the general public. However, it happens regularly. In reality, a boy’s social standing at school is not a result of a fluke.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

The “boy code” has a major impact on many male bullying cases. A set of standards and behaviors that define what it means to be a boy are instilled in men by society.

Males (or anyone identifying as male) are expected to be self-sufficient, masculine, athletic, powerful, and domineering by society. If a youngster is anything other than what society expects, he or she may become the focus of bullying from other kids who expect the same things.

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Also, when bullying occurs, it tends to be resolved faster in boys than in girls. Males are more likely than females to be bullied or bullied themselves, and they are also more likely than females to tolerate bullying. It’s possible for males to maintain friendships and relationships with people who bully them or others, despite the fact that they do so.


*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

Relational hostility and indirect bullying are more common among females. Verbal attacks, ostracization, gossiping, and spreading rumors are all examples of this sort of bullying. It is more difficult to identify those who participate in relational violence because they hide their bullying behavior and use more passive-aggressive tactics.

Females, too, form groups around a leader, just like males. People in these groupings, especially those who form cliques, are continually pitted against one another. Consequently, the clique’s members are unable to really trust one another.

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

For example, the leader of the clique is frequently concerned that another group member appears to be more deserving of their position than they are. We can expect the incoming leader to develop a clique.

Females are also more likely to be victims of sexual bullying than men. For example, regardless of the veracity of the claims, kids may hear rumors regarding sexual conduct. Also, they are more likely to be the target of sexually explicit texts or other forms of harassment than the average person.

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

The majority of female bullies don’t operate alone. They are more likely to have accomplices or followers who back their behavior. To further their social position, they will band together to support and rally around the major bully. It doesn’t matter if they realize what they’re doing is bad; peer pressure will have them do it anyhow.

When it comes to bullying, it is crucial to distinguish between male and female bullies. Bullying could go unnoticed if this is not the case. Bullying can have serious repercussions when it occurs in this way. As bullying continues, the response becomes more extreme, and it takes longer to overcome bullying.

Helpful related article: The Role of Peer Pressure in Bullying, How to Tell if Your Boss is Bully and How to Approach Them, How Cyberbullying is Perpetrated Under the Cover of Subtlety

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