How Cyberbullying is Perpetrated Under the Cover of Subtlety

July 11, 2022

When it comes to social media, today’s teenagers are extremely adept. Posting, liking, sharing, and commenting are second nature to them. Many adults simply don’t understand how children utilize social media. But they’re also adept at using it to abuse others online. In this article, you will learn how cyberbullying is perpetrated under the cover of subtlety.

Cyberbullying from their peers can be both subtle and explicit. It isn’t uncommon for young people to publish offensive images and remarks about their peers. They can be more subtle in their bullying at other times. They use subtweeting and vaguebooking to stay out of the eye of parents, teachers, and administrators.

Subtweeting and Vaguebooking: What’s the Difference?

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

Speaking about individuals behind their backs on Twitter and Facebook is the Internet equivalent of subtweeting and vaguebooking. Teens are now committing a new form of cyberbullying in which they anonymously discuss a person or issue.

The tweet might begin with, “Can you believe she was wearing such an outrageous attire to work today?” “I’m not even going to get furious anymore,” someone could post on Facebook if they disagree with a pal. The term “subtweeting” is used to describe this style of passive-aggressive communication on Twitter. It’s known as “vaguebooking” on Facebook.

Cyberbullying Techniques to Avoid: Subtweeting and Vaguebooking

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

Subtweets and vaguebooking, on the other hand, allow people to convey their sentiments without coming out as aggressive or blatant. As in the days of the rumor mill, their internet posts and tweets are like whispers in the halls of the school. This strategy is particularly widespread among younger Twitter users, even though anyone can participate in subtweeting and vaguebooking.

To add to the threat of cyberbullying, anyone outside of a person’s immediate social circle has no idea what the tweets and postings are actually about. Everyone engaged, however, is aware of who is being alluded to in the tweets and posts.

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

When questioned, bullies are able to deny that the victim of their harsh words ever existed. It’s important to remember that they never referred to the individual by name.

As a result, it’s nearly impossible to deal with the bullies on the ground. For this, the school atmosphere and culture must be well-understood by teachers, parents, and administrators. They must be aware of the school’s cliques and groupings, as well as the places where disagreements take place.

Tips for Parents on Dealing with Adolescents on Social Media

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

Remember that kids don’t always utilize social media in the way it was intended by parents. Teenagers, for example, frequently use Twitter as a form of public instant messaging to communicate with one another. They’re also utilizing it to spread rumors and make fun of each other’s reputations. It’s a way for some people to vent their frustrations with pals without having to speak to them face-to-face. Twitter was never intended to be used for this form of communication.

Similar to Snapchat, the founders of the program had a goal of creating a mechanism for people to send and receive short-lived communications. Instead, the service is being used for sexting by users. Another use is for screenshots of embarrassing pictures or texts. It is then used to humiliate and cyberbully others with the help of these screenshots.

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

It’s important for parents to realize that the people who use social media have more say in how it’s used than the companies that built it.

Companies who provide a platform for kids to freely express themselves are creating an opportunity for those teens to discover another use for that platform. These possible abuses are your responsibility as parents, and you must keep an eye out for them.

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