How To Approach Your Child’s School About Bullying

July 11, 2022

Most parents are aware that the first step in dealing with bullying is to contact the school and file a formal complaint. It’s unfortunate, however, that parents don’t always get the response they desire. Some parents though find talking to the school principal about bullying daunting. But in this article, find helpful tips on how you can approach your child’s school about bullying.

Often, this is because people have unreasonable expectations or because the school inquiry takes longer than expected. In other circumstances, it may appear that the school isn’t taking the issue seriously.

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While some educators and administrators continue to ignore bullying, many others are doing everything they can to stop it and ensure the safety of their children. Being prepared for your child’s condition is essential, but so is working with the school so that he or she can be safe while at school.

In the end, all you want is for the harmful conduct that is harming your child to stop. However, you’ve also come to know that you’ll need the help of the school’s instructors to make this happen. Here are things that you can do.

Reasons You May Experience That Your Complaints Are Not Being Heard

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Everyone understands that teachers and administrators have a lot of responsibilities. In fact, at times, the expectations they are held to can be a bit much to bear. They are super busy, from meeting high academic standards to earning continuing education credits to dealing with classrooms overflowing with pupils. As a result, many educators are finding it difficult to keep up with the high standards set by their jobs.

In the event that bullying occurs, parents may believe that school personnel lacks the time or energy to deal with the issue. However, as an educator, this is probably not the case. They probably feel the same way you do about the situation, but they also know how long it takes to conduct an investigation.

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Schools may find it difficult to take action in cases of bullying for which there is no proof. You may believe they are doing nothing or that they are ignoring you because of your perception. The process of reviewing security camera footage, interviewing witnesses, and interviewing individuals responsible for bullying is time-consuming, though.

It may take some time for the school to acquire as much information as possible and verify it for correctness, and then devise a plan to deal with that information.

Factors Contributing to the Downplaying of Bullying

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There are some people who don’t take complaints about bullying seriously or don’t think it’s a big deal. Because they don’t understand bullying, it’s common for this to happen. People may not take it seriously for these additional reasons.

  • Due to time and money constraints, they cannot conduct a thorough investigation.
  • Priorities differ among them.
  • There isn’t any proof that the bullying occurred (i.e., no cameras, witnesses, text messages).
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  • They don’t have a program in place to deal with bullying.
  • They misunderstand the effects of bullying and how it might be prevented.
  • Bullying is viewed as a normal part of childhood, and “kids will be kids.”

According to study, adults who respond swiftly and consistently to bullying conduct transmit a message that such behavior is undesirable. Bullying can be reduced in the long run with these treatments. Do not give up if you believe someone is downplaying bullying. Until a solution is discovered, keep highlighting the issue.

Do What You Can

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Your complaints about bullying may be dismissed, but you must not give up trying to have the problem addressed, no matter how aggravating it may be to feel that way. Document everything your child goes through, including the times and dates of the occurrences.

Provide screenshots and printouts of texts received by your child, and preserve accurate and up-to-date records of any bullying incidences.

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Remember to write down all of the people you spoke to discuss the bullying and their plans for dealing with it. The next step is to send a letter, signed and dated, summarizing the meeting’s outcomes and outlining the future actions.

The superintendent and school board members will take your complaint more seriously if you can provide dates and times of the bullying. It helps to give examples of what others have promised and failed to deliver on. Here are a few more ideas on how to deal with the problem of bullying.

Until Someone Pays Attention, Keep Talking.

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Contact a higher-up if the first person you speak to discuss bullying downplays or dismisses your concern. As you move up the ranks, someone will begin to take your concerns seriously. This will not only help stop the bullying, but it will also benefit your child.

Bullied children often believe that things will not get better. However, when their parents exhibit strength and resolution, this can be incredibly reassuring to their children.

Keeping an Eye on Things

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Make an appointment to check in with the school to see how things are progressing when you believe your issues have been addressed. The school should be checked out to see if they kept their end of the bargain. Give the school time to complete their inquiry before leaving.

Communicating with your child will help ensure that the bullying is lessening and that they are more secure in their school environment. Re-schedule an appointment if your child continues to be harassed or bullied.

Give Your Child Time

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Remember that healing from bullying is a process that requires time. Bullying is a long-standing problem for many children, who may not realize it until it is too late. Always keep in mind that victims of bullying may be reluctant to come forward with their stories. Not fixing their problems is what you’re aiming for here; you want to provide them with what they need to heal.

Make use of the services of a mental health professional to help your child deal with their emotions, recover from the trauma of harmful words and actions, and learn how to defend themselves in the future. As a parent, it’s heartbreaking when you learn that your child is being bullied at school. A parent’s first priority when it comes to their children’s safety is to notify the school of any instances of bullying.

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It can be disheartening, however, if things don’t go as planned or the process seems to drag on indefinitely. Be patient and dedicated, and you’ll be on your way to success. Do not interfere with the school’s investigation or enforcement of its rules, but do ensure the safety and well-being of your child.

Do not give up if the school doesn’t seem to be taking the matter seriously. Contact the school’s district office or your state’s education department to make a complaint. Keeping the issue forward until it is handled and your child can learn in a safe atmosphere is the most important thing to do.

Helpful related articles: Ways How To Prevent Cyberbullying, Reasons Why Kids Resort To Cyberbullying, Do Bullying And Suicide Go Hand In Hand?

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