Reasons Why Timeout Isn’t Working For Your Child

July 11, 2022

Because timeouts work so well for some parents, they’re frequently employed by others. Timeouts don’t work every time, even for parents who notice a shift in their children’s conduct after using them. In this article, find out some common reasons why timeout is no longer working for your child.

For other families, timeouts simply don’t work for their children, or they may work for one child but not the other, depending on the situation. To put it another way, time out isn’t a universal remedy for children’s misbehavior.

Some children are unable or unwilling to sit still during a time out.

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Others may want to play in their room rather than sit motionlessly. In the worst-case scenario, your child may emerge from time out even more angry and resentful than before and ready to revert to poor behavior.

Take a Breather When You Make Mistakes

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Taking a timeout is as straightforward as it appears, but there are numerous ways in which you may be undermining your efforts.

It’s clear to your child that it’s a bogus threat.

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If you threaten your child with time out but don’t follow through, they’ll think you’re being mean. Over time, threatening to put your child in timeout and then not placing him in timeout will weaken your ability to discipline your child effectively, just like the boy who cried wolf.

Put your child in time out immediately if he does something that needs a reprimand, and do it consistently. The use of timeouts isn’t the only option for children’s punishment.

Time Out Is a Great Time to Have a Conversation with Your Child

It’s impossible for your child to ponder his bad behavior and why he’s in time out if you’re constantly conversing with him. Instead of using timeout as an opportunity to chastise your child, go over what he did wrong, explain why he is in timeout, or interact with him in any way, use it as a time to take a break.

Your child (and you) should take a break from whatever conflict or problem led to the negative behavior, redirect his energy, and reflect on what he should and should not have done during this time. 

Parents should not use this time to yell at or express their displeasure with their children. 

After timeout is ended, you can calmly explain what your child did wrong and how he can improve for the next time.

Time Out Makes Your Child Feel Uneasy

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Insecurity is likely the root cause of your child’s screams and tantrums when she’s in time out. Explain to her calmly that you’re just giving her some space to reflect on what she did wrong and help her calm down.

Once the timeout period is finished, reassure your youngster of your love and commitment. Sit nearby but don’t interact with her while she is in time out with young children.

There is too much timeout.

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A 15-minute timeout is excessive for a 5-year-old. As a general rule, limit the duration of timeouts for children under eight to one minute each year. In the end, it’s the quality, not the number, that matters: You want your child in an environment that allows him to contemplate his actions and what he might do differently in the future so that he doesn’t find himself in time out again.

Remember that when a youngster is in time out, their large emotions won’t necessarily encourage them to reflect on the reason for their confinement. To help your child recover from the triggering incident, a time out can be beneficial.

It’s just too much fun.

It’s not time out if you put your child in her room to play with her toys or give her a tablet or computer to use instead. For her, a distraction-free environment is a must.

You are Angry or Yelling.

Emotional timeouts may send the message to your child that you are rejecting him rather than disciplining him for his bad behavior. Angry and irritated feelings can spread like a virus, just like tranquility. A parent’s job is to show their child how much they care about him while also laying up the groundwork for what he should expect in the future.

The time out is a result of his action and a moment for quiet reflection, not a punishment because you are furious.

After a few tries, you give up and move on.

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Time out may not work (your child is angry; there is no improvement in conduct, etc.), so give it some more time. Your youngster may simply need to get used to thinking in a quiet place and learning how to calm down before they are ready to go to sleep.

Be calm and consistent. Before you give up, use timeouts for at least a few weeks. Time outs can also be used to teach your child how to take a breath and calm down when he is upset, which is a very important skill for children in elementary school.

You’re Using Time Out Absurdly.

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Your child’s negative interactions with you take up more of his time than his positive ones. Your child may need a daily time out if you don’t figure out what’s setting them off and how to stop it before it starts.

You may also want to consider taking away your child’s privileges as a form of discipline. Observe your child’s conduct and see what motivates it. You’ll be able to address the child’s needs and lessen the problem this way.

You Aren’t Talking About the Person’s Conduct.

After the time out is over, you do not sit down with your child to discuss the situation. Talking with your child about what happened, why there was a consequence, and what she can do better the next time is an essential part of the time out.

Interacting with your child after the timeout shows her that you care about her and are available to assist her in achieving better conduct in the future.

The most important thing is that you and your child form a strong link, engage in plenty of good interactions, and have fun and laugh together. You should also speak frequently with one another to ensure that this bond is maintained (e.g., by hosting family dinners as frequently as possible).

Meaningful articles you might like: The Fun Mom’s Discipline Handbook, 7 Mistakes Every Parent Makes in Discipline, Discipline that Doesn’t Invoke Yelling

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