Signs That Your Friend is a Controlling One

July 11, 2022

There are unhealthy friendships as well as healthy ones. In fact, if a buddy is trying to exert power and influence over you, they may actually be a bully in a friend’s disguise. In this article, find out the signs that your friend is a controlling one.

Don’t feel bad if you learn that this is the case in your life. In all likelihood, you’re a compassionate and accepting someone who accepts others as they are. You’ll have a better relationship with your friend if you can spot the signs that they don’t respect you and move on.

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Healthy and rewarding friendships are the greatest kind. Friendships like these bring out the best in each other, as well as allow you to enjoy each other’s company and respect the uniqueness of each other.

Relationships might be tainted and involve people who aren’t really your friends at all. Having friends that try to control or manipulate you may seem like a good idea at first, but as time goes on, it can be taxing. That’s why it’s critical to learn how to discern the difference between healthy and unhealthy connections.

It’s bullying when those who claim to care about you are dominating and manipulative.

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Remember, those in charge want you to believe they are on your side and want what’s best for you. Rather than reciprocal respect, the relationship is based on their efforts to control you.

Recognizing controlling people’s essential behaviours early is key to quitting a controlling relationship. Here are the top traits of buddies that are too much of a pain to be around.

They Demand Too Much

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Controlling behavior is when someone makes unreasonable demands of you and then expects you to put everything else on hold when they need you. They may also expect you to spend all of your leisure time with them. Those that want to exert control over you may try to dictate what you wear, what you study, and even who you date.

Friendships that are characterized by this type of authoritarian conduct should be avoided. Healthy friendships are characterized by mutual respect for each other’s individuality and a lack of concern for what the other person might do differently. When you don’t meet their requests, they may accuse you of not being a good friend.

They’re Disrespectful

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If a buddy doesn’t treat you with respect, ridicules you, casts doubt on your beliefs, or uses profanity toward you, you should take attention. This isn’t a friendship that can last. A healthy friendship is characterized by mutual respect and encouragement. They’re also uplifting and inspiring.

It’s another indicator of an unhealthy relationship if the other person explains how you should feel instead of allowing you to express your own feelings. It’s not uncommon for controlling people to accuse you of being overly sensitive when you respond negatively to their jokes. In fact, if you express your needs or wants and they don’t fit into their plans, they may label you as self-centered or even call you names.

This is an indication of an unhealthy, dominating friendship if you’re being made fun of for how you feel.

They Appear To Be Arrogant And Entitled

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It’s a symptom of controlling conduct if someone demands or expects special treatment from you in a relationship. They may also employ sarcasm and act as if they are always correct when conversing with you, that they know best and are smarter.

Friends in a position of power may be patronizing, condescending, or downright unpleasant to you. It’s possible that they’ll inform you that your ideas are illogical or incomprehensible. You respect each other as equals and appreciate your differences in a healthy friendship. The same may be said for the way you treat one another.

It’s harmful when a friend tells you that you’re less than they are.

They Make a Show of It

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Most often, those in positions of authority will start fights simply because they like doing so. To put it another way, they enjoy taking the opposite position. Their emotional outbursts may also be unexpected and dramatic.

Drama-lovers are more inclined to escalate a minor quarrel. Rumor-spreading and gossiping may also be a pastime for them. Healthy friends can differ without hurting each other’s feelings. It’s not a good sign when someone seems to be constantly stirring things up.

They Manipulate You.

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It’s common for manipulators to play on your emotions to gain influence over you or the circumstance. Making you feel guilty is another way they could try to influence or manipulate you.

Controlling people may even try to take advantage of your generosity and sympathy. It’s also a symptom of a controlling or abusive buddy when they make light of your shortcomings and publicly embarrass you. Even if they play it off as a joke, you can get the impression that they’re trying to make you appear terrible. As a good friend would never want you to be embarrassed, keep in mind this:

Isolation Is A Common Tactic Used By Manipulative Individuals.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

They may want complete control over who you spend time with, and they may even confiscate your phone to read your texts, e-mails, and voicemails.

When spending time with other friends or family, those who are controlling often feel intimidated and uneasy. As a result, you, your close acquaintances, and even members of your family may come under fire. Relationship sabotage or peer pressure may also be used to elicit your cooperation.

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

Those that are controlling may try to get you to spend all of your time with them and become enraged if you have any other pals of your own.

A dominating friend can be difficult to cut off, and you may even be exposed to additional bullying before things improve. The best method to terminate a relationship in a healthy way is to tell someone you trust about the difficulties you’re having.

Remember that it may be difficult at first to break connections with a dominating individual, but with healthy limits and firmness, you can go on and find friends who respect who you are.

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