Subtle Insults Bullies Use

July 11, 2022

Bullies use cruel language to avoid taking responsibility for their actions. In this article, learn some of the subtle insults that bullies use.

It’s common for someone to say anything negative about others. Even so, it isn’t appropriate. In fact, one of the most damaging types of bullying is the use of cruel words and phrases. They are, however, the most elusive to spot.

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It is common for victims of bullying to not recognize the pervasiveness of these terms and phrases. However, the first step in combating bullying is recognizing them for what they are. You want your teen to be able to discern the true meaning behind the words spoken by a friend who uses these expressions regularly.

In order to avoid having to take responsibility for their actions, bullies frequently employ the following five words.

“My bad”

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It is not an apology when someone says, “my bad,” but rather a tacit admission of guilt. In addition, this expression makes light of a blunder rather than honestly apologizing to someone who has been hurt. When someone points out that comment or an action was harmful, saying “my bad” is the linguistic equivalent of shrugging.


*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

If you tell a person to “cool out” or “relax,” you’re suggesting “your concerns or sentiments are not real,” right? It diminishes the significance of other’s feelings and conveys the impression that the subject is being unreasonable. As a result, victims begin to question their own abilities and perspectives.

The use of the phrase “chill out” by bullies when confronted about their behavior signals to their targets that their feelings do not matter. The implication is that the bully’s acts are not the problem, but rather the victim’s reaction to them.


*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

To say “whatever” is to imply “I don’t care” or “what you have to say has no bearing on what I have to say.” This dismissive remark puts a stop to any further discussion. When someone is being bullied or trolled, it sends a message that they don’t care what the other person has to say.

Children commonly use the word “whatever” since it is simple and allows them to avoid responsibility. They also utilize it when they know they’re at fault but don’t want to take the blame. It’s a last-ditch effort to exact some sort of revenge on the other person.

“I’m Sorry, But…”

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An apology is no longer an apology once someone adds a “but” to it. The explanations that follow the apology, however, effectively nullify it. As a result, the bully is justifying their actions, which indicates that they believe they are right to harm another person. Additionally, the bully’s justifications frequently include a laundry list of things the victim did to “cause” the bullying in the first place. Bear in mind that no one but the bully bears responsibility for the bully’s actions.

Bullies frequently use this approach to transfer the blame or avoid taking responsibility for the suffering they inflicted on their victims.. Self-preservation in the form of this sentence, is what it’s all about. There are no excuses for bad behavior in a truly sincere apology; instead, it is meant to heal the relationship with the other person.

“No offense, but…”

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

Mean girls and bullies use the words “just kidding” and “no offense” to get away with harming others. These words and phrases are generally taken in a positive light by the general public. But in reality, they don’t hold it against a bully if they make a slight jab at another individual.

“It’s just a joke!” might be heard if victims take a stand against a mean joke. “What’s the matter? What’s wrong?” “Are you incapable of humor?” and “I’m not serious!” Kids can avoid taking responsibility for their rude behavior if they use this logic. Bullying victims are silenced, too. In most cases, despite the victim’s discomfort, they agree to participate in the prank.

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

One factor unites all of these assertions. When faced with a bully, these are typical replies. They are making light of what they said or did by saying “whatever,” “my apologies,” or “relax out” in response. They don’t seem to care about the harm they’ve done to someone who was bullied.

These phrases are designed to discredit the victim, suppress her, and distract attention away from the perpetrator. Bullies are also making an effort to recover power over the scenario they’ve created. Consequently, bullying victims feel even more victimized because their pain is disproven.

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