Types of Bullying To Keep An Eye Out For In Your Children

July 11, 2022

Bullying is more complex than previously thought, according to those who study it. For example, many people used to believe that bullying was limited to physical abuse and name-calling. However, this is no longer the case. Thoughtless remarks regarding someone’s race or religion are just one of six forms of bullying that can be used against them. In this article, you will learn about the types of bullying that you need to keep an eye out.

Bullies aren’t all created equal. In order to terrify and dominate their victims, everyone has their own style and method. When it comes to bullying, some youngsters are sneaky and cunning, while others are just plain nasty. Becoming aware of the many sorts of bullying and the types of bullies your child may experience will help you better support your child in any situation.

Physical Bullying

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When it comes to bullying, physical violence is the most evident type. To obtain power and control, kids employ physical behaviors. Big, strong, and aggressive are all characteristics of physical bullies. There is a wide range of physical bullying techniques that can be used by bullies.

Physical bullying is the most obvious kind of bullying. Thus, it is most usually the first thing that comes to mind when someone mentions bullying. Schools have historically paid greater attention to this sort of bullying because it is so overt.

Verbal Bullying

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Victims of verbal bullying are subjected to abusive language, including slurs and insults. It is common for bullies who are verbally abusive to target their victims with a barrage of insults. As a result, they target people based on how they appear, act or behave. Verbal bullies frequently pick on children with disabilities.

This type of bullying is frequently difficult to spot, as it usually takes place while adults aren’t nearby. One person’s story vs. another is often the case. Many adults also believe that children’s words have little impact on the lives of those around them. Bullying victims are often told to “ignore it” as a result. It’s important to remember that verbal bullying should be dealt with.


*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

For example, cyberbullying occurs when an individual aged 13 or older engages in online harassment or intimidation of another individual. When the harasser is an adult, it is referred to as cyber-harassment or cyberstalking.

Harmful photos, online threats, and unpleasant emails or messages are just a few examples of cyberbullying. In addition, it’s growing more common because bullies may harass their targets without having to worry about getting exposed.

Sexual Bullying

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In order to be considered sexually harassing, an individual must be subjected to repetitive, hurtful, and humiliating acts. Pornographic materials and sexually explicit language are among the examples of inappropriate behavior. Peer attractiveness, sexual growth, or sexual activity could be the subject of a crude statement from an outcast bully.

Sexual bullying can lead to sexual assault in extreme circumstances. Both boys and other girls target girls for sexual harassment and abuse. Inappropriate touching, nasty comments about their bodies, or propositions from boys are all possible scenarios for girls. “Slut,” “tramp,” and other slut-shaming terms may be used by girls to degrade other girls’ appearances or bodies.

Relational Aggression

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Parents and teachers often miss cases of relational aggression because it is so subtle and difficult to detect. Relational aggression, also known as emotional bullying or social bullying, is a form of social manipulation in which adolescents and young adults aim to harm or ruin their social status.

It is common for relationship bullies to exile their victims, spread stories, and manipulate events in order to erode trust. A bully’s purpose is to raise their social status by controlling or bullying another individual.

Prejudicial Bullying

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

Racism, religion, and sexual orientation are just a few examples of the prejudices young people feel toward others. All other forms of bullying are included in this category. Prejudiced bullying happens when children single out and target others who are different from themselves.

This form of bullying can lead to hate crimes, which is why it’s important to be aware of it. Children who are bullied because of their sexual orientation, race, or religion should be brought to the attention of their parents or guardians.

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