Warning Signs Of A Narcissistic Bully

July 11, 2022

Narcissism is a topic that comes up frequently in casual conversation. They may characterize their friends, coworkers, and neighbors as narcissistic. Their in-laws, wives, and even the instructor of their child’s school could be deemed narcissistic. But in this article, we’ll be talking about the warning signs of a narcissistic bully.

It is common for teenagers to be termed narcissistic because of their habit of taking countless selfies and posting over-the-top Instagram and Twitter updates. However, research shows that a period of strong self-focus during adolescence is developmentally normal as individuals discover who they are.

According to specialists, there is a considerable distinction between narcissism and excessive social media use. However, narcissism entails much more than just an exaggerated perception of one’s own importance.

Narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) refers to someone who is excessively self-centered and believes that they are entitled to special treatment, and their needs and feelings always precede over those of others. Narcissistic teenagers display several qualities that make them more likely to bully and dominate others.

In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common symptoms that a bully is also a narcissist.

Lack Of Emotional Intelligence And A Lack Of Empathy.

Narcissistic teens have a difficult time empathizing with the sentiments of others. As a result, they tend to feel awkward around those who express their emotions in public. Additionally, they frequently lack the ability to discern the feelings of others, as well as their own.

The person may even dispute that they are in a terrible mood. In addition, they are prone to attacks and fury outbursts when hurt or angry. People who possess these characteristics are more likely to engage in bullying behavior toward others.

They have difficulty understanding the sentiments of others, and this makes it difficult for them to stop harming others when they have a narcissistic personality disorder (NPD).

Using Entitlement as a Weapon

Self-centered adolescents often act without considering the consequences of their actions on others, which is characteristic of narcissistic adolescent behavior. As a result, they believe that they are entitled to get preferential treatment. People can be nasty when they don’t get what they think they’re owed.

They may also believe they have the right to treat others in a demeaning manner. By “their seat,” we imply making fun of or stealing from other passengers on the bus. They also believe they are entitled to the best position on the team, the first place in line, the finest lunch place, and so forth.

Signs of Self-Absorptiveness

Narcissistic teenagers are unable to see the needs or feelings of others because they are so focused on themselves. In their minds, they are entitled to perks. As a result of their self-obsessiveness, they also tend to be domineering and manipulative, and they frequently bully others into getting their way. Talking too loudly or interrupting others is one of their many bad habits.

A friend’s entire and unthinking loyalty is typically required to maintain a friendship. Narcissists turn on their pals when they express unhappiness. Cyberbullying and ostracism are only a few of the tactics that may be employed.

Struggling with One’s Own Self-Image and the Pressures of Others

Despite their outward arrogance, most narcissists are deeply concerned with how others perceive them. Consequently, they are easily offended and frequently mistake every comment as an attack or put down. Instead of seeing themselves as the perpetrators of bullying or abuse, they frequently claim that they are the ones who are being victimized.

Those closest to them are typically the targets of their mockery and humiliation. People who behave this way gossip about others, make disparaging remarks about them behind their backs, and spread untrue rumors about them.


Narcissistic teenagers often engage in unethical behavior, misrepresent the facts, or manipulate individuals and situations in order to achieve their own ends. It’s also common for them to avoid taking responsibility for their actions, and to transfer the blame elsewhere.

As a result, they’ll use guilt to manipulate others or display victim-like conduct in order to garner sympathy from others.

Nephilim-inclined teens are also self-righteous and harshly critical of others. Consequently, they typically assume that the victim is to blame for their own mistreatment or that they themselves are to blame. As a result, they refuse to accept responsibility for their actions, which result in them hurting others.

Being able to identify the characteristics of a narcissistic teen is a vital element of bullying prevention, regardless of whether you’re a parent or a teacher. It is important to know when someone is prone to narcissism so that you can protect yourself and those who are targeted.

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