What Are The Characteristics of A Bully

July 11, 2022

While some students become bullies in elementary school, others don’t start bullying until they’re teens. The characteristics of a typical adolescent bully can help you spot kids who are on the verge of becoming bullies themselves. To better understand why some kids turn into bullies and others don’t, you can look at the behavior of other kids.

In contrast to one online bully, another may target their peers in the hallways of their high school.

Most teenage bullies exhibit these qualities and actions, regardless of the manner they choose to torture their victims.

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  • Impulsiveness.
  • Problems with controlling one’s rage.
  • Instead of leading, I’m in charge.
  • Easily angered and frustrated.
  • Lacking empathy, or being indifferent to others’ needs or desires.
  • Accuses victims of their own actions, saying phrases like, “I wouldn’t have to punch that geek if he didn’t appear so foolish.”
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  • Having trouble adhering to the regulations.
  • Insufficient regard for authority
  • Violence is viewed positively as a sort of amusement or a way to meet one’s basic needs.
  • A child who is physically superior to their peers (common with boys who bully).
  • Thought to be popular (common with girls who bully).

For instance, bullying may be linked to anxiety or a behavioral illness such as oppositional defiant disorder. After being molested or going through a horrific experience, some teenagers begin to bully others in the same way.

Bullying Risk Factors in the Extended Family

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When children are bullied, there isn’t just one single factor. In order for a child to be bullied by their peers, any number of elements must be present. According to studies, bullying youngsters are more likely to come from homes with particular features. There is a greater likelihood of bullying in families.

For the most part, parents are cold and uninterested. In other cases, the child lives in a household where the parents are either absent or too exhausted to give their children the care they need. It can also happen in households when parents are uninterested in their children’s activities because they are uncaring about them.

Parenting that Is Too Forgiving

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When youngsters aren’t given enough rules and direction, it’s not uncommon for them to try and exert authority over their friends. Permissive parents don’t set boundaries and often make their children feel entitled, which can lead to behavioral problems.

Disregard for Children by Parents

Lack of parental supervision leaves teenagers to fend for themselves. For the time being, they may be able to get what they want by being rude, pushy, and demanding. In the long run, bullies’ behavior backfires because they can’t build good connections.

Brutal, Physical Punishment

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Children that are bullied may be the result of their parents’ use of corporal punishment or the imposition of abusive consequences. Most shamed adolescents seek to spread their brand of humiliation.

Instability and Discord

At home or with siblings, children are more prone to engage in bullying behavior themselves. Bullying can also be exacerbated by a chaotic environment, such as that created by repeated movements or school closures.

Bullying and Other Antisocial Behaviors Have Long-Term Effects

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Much has been said about what happens to children who are bullied, but there has been much less said about what happens to those who bully. There are substantial consequences for children who bully, and participate in other aggressive or antisocial activities.

If a child is bullied, it’s more probable that they’ll have weapons, get into fights more often, and get hurt more often. They have the potential to do damage to or steal from property. They may indulge in booze or cigarettes. They could be truant or drop out of school.

How to Deal with a Bully in Your Child’s Life

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It’s best to deal with the problem head-on if your child is bullying. Increased supervision, clear limits, and punishments should all be implemented.

Discuss bullying with your adolescent. Talk to your teen about the impact this could have on other children, as well as the legal, social, and educational ramifications this could have for him.

Seek expert help if your child continues to bully others. A mental health specialist should be consulted to rule out a mental health condition and teach your child how to get their needs satisfied without bullying others.

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