Are Tantrums Harmful To My Child?

July 12, 2022

Are tantrums harmful to your child? First, the good news: Toddlers have been throwing temper tantrums to obtain what they want since the dawn of time. Most meltdowns aren’t physically violent, but they do involve a lot of crying and yelling. You may rest assured that your child will not be hurt by a bit of weeping or screaming, but it may result in a little hoarseness.

So what’s the bad news? Ironically, the most detrimental aspect of a temper tantrum may not be what your child does but what you don’t do to stop them over time. Fortunately, now is always a good time to begin using helpful methods for coping with temper tantrums.

Ensure the Area Is Secure.

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

If your child is kicking, hitting, throwing things, hurling himself down on the ground or into walls, or beating his head, there is a risk of injury. If you detect a temper tantrum coming, do your best to diffuse it without caving into the child’s demands (thus undermining your authority).

For children who have had previous incidents of physical abuse, it’s best to place them somewhere soft and secure in case the tantrum cannot be avoided. Strap him in if you’re on the go or at home, and transfer him to a carpeted area with pillows nearby. Stay away from areas with hard surfaces like hardwood and tile, as well as from furniture with pointed corners.

Make Every Effort to Speak Clearly

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

Investigate why your child is having a tantrum once they are safe. If your child is having a temper tantrum because he’s frustrated, try to support him by helping him find ways to communicate his feelings. You’re one step closer to fewer temper tantrums each time you can do this. Your toddler needs your aid since he lacks the basic language and coping skills to handle his growing independence.

To help him answer the challenge, look about you for context clues. Temper outbursts can often be resolved by getting down on your toddler’s level. Many legitimate reasons can be given for an unruly tantrum, such as an empty sippy cup or an inability to figure out what to do about the pain of an insect bite, for example.

Take Your Toddler’s Hands in Yours to Calm Him Down

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

Even after a few minutes of trying, your youngster may still be unable to calm down. When he’s having a tantrum, he may need your support to calm down and regain control.

Hold him loosely but firmly at the same time. To comfort him that everything will be fine, you can either remain silent or talk in a shallow, slow voice. If your child continues to whine for a few minutes before collapsing in your arms, you can try to work on the problem quietly or use distraction or redirection to help them stop whining.

Make Sure That Your Response Doesn’t Inspire the Tantrum.

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

When toddlers have temper tantrums, it’s not often because they’re upset about anything, but rather because they’re trying to get you to do something they want. There is a chance that your child will throw a fit if you say “no” to a request or tell him to do something he doesn’t want to do.

Discipline is the best course of action in this situation. After warning your child that his tantrums could result in his being sent to time out, you should follow through and send him there if it doesn’t work.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

If your child can obtain a reaction from you with his temper tantrums, he will know that his way works, even if you don’t recognize it. When he throws a fit and you cave into his demands, you’ve started a loop that will only end when he stops. Even worse is when, despite your best efforts, your youngster resorts to a tactic he knows has previously garnered attention.

Intentional Temper Tantrum Discipline Doesn’t Harm Your Child if It’s Consistently Handled.

When a child is injured or ill, parents tend to pay more attention to them. Many toddlers have discovered that banging their heads or sticking their fingers down their throats is a good idea. Keeping your composure and maintaining a strict code of conduct is critical during these times.

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

Maintain a safe environment, but don’t be terrified of what they might do. Make a designated place for physical tantrums with many pillows and blankets. To avoid reinforcing a toddler’s bad behavior, don’t pay too much attention to the tantrum or give in to whatever sparked it. If you show your child that you’re surprised, he’ll learn that he can control your behavior rather than the other way around.

Your youngster will not be harmed in any way by these timeouts. On the other hand, they will lessen your child’s undesired and possibly harmful behavior. Make sure you know the difference between a basic tantrum and one aimed at exploiting the situation to your toddler’s benefit and addressing them accordingly.

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