When is My Child able To Use Stairs on Their Own

July 12, 2022

It’s common for children first to learn how to climb the stairs by crawling, much like before they learn to walk. Your child should be encouraged to navigate the stairs this way until she is more sure on her feet.

As soon as your child begins crawling, you should put up gates to prevent them from accessing the stairwell. Always be on the lookout for your child’s every move as they attempt to climb a flight of stairs. At this age, most youngsters can climb the steps without difficulty, and they may even become trapped once they reach the top.

Between 12 and 18 months old

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

When your child begins to walk, she may still prefer to crawl up and down the stairs for the first few months. For as long as it is safe and comfortable, encourage her to walk up the steps while you hold her hands.

For the first few steps, it may appear that you are practically pulling her from one flight of stairs to the next. When she’s ready, she’ll begin by moving one leg up a step, and then the second leg will follow suit.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

A lot of repetition will eventually help her become more stable, and she may even try to let go of your hand. You’ll be able to notice that she still needs your support if you let her try letting go while still being right there to catch her.

Between the ages of 18 and 2

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

You can begin introducing her to the wall and railing once she has established her balance and is taking the steps one step at a time with you holding both hands. In this manner, you can hold her hand while she learns how to navigate the stairwell safely.

Brace yourself against the wall if the rail is too high, rather than risking an injury by reaching too high. Her ability to ascend and descend the stairs one at a time will continue until she is about two years old. Still, you’ll have to keep a close eye on her.

Two to Three Years

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

She’ll be able to climb and descend the stairs on her own by the time she’s two. You’ll see that she gets the hang of this method of climbing the stairs much more quickly than she does descend them.

As soon as she gets to the top, you may see that she takes her time coming down. It’s fine.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

Take your time and stress the need for safety above all else. Around the age of three, you may notice your child beginning to alternate their feet when climbing stairs, especially if the steps aren’t too steep.

Once a youngster reaches age three, the ability to alternate feet while ascending or descending steps becomes more developed. Until roughly a year later, and maybe as late as five years of age, the full mastery of this will be achieved. So, even if you’re running late in the morning, don’t worry about your toddler being behind, and don’t push him to hurry up and down the stairs.

Measures to Protect Yourself

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

As you can see, learning to master the stairway is a multi-stage process. Safety measures like gates and other barriers are necessary because of this. Install railings at a safe height for your youngster, and ensure they are not loose.

Assist your toddler as needed as they practice climbing and descending the stairs, but keep an eye on them at all times. While helping a child up the stairs, don’t try to lift heavy goods like grocery bags. First things first: get your baby up the stairs and safely into the house. Then get your second load.

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