Today’s scarlet letter is far more permanent and much more difficult to remove. “Slut-shaming” is a sort of “scarlet letter” for these students, both online and in school halls. Learn more about how slut-shaming affects teenage girls!
A form of cyberbullying known as slut-shaming is when girls are targeted on social media and abused for their sexuality through degradation or humiliation. It’s no surprise, then, that young women are frequently made fun of for everything from their appearance to the clothes they wear.
One in four middle school children has been subjected to unwelcome verbal or physical sexual harassment at school.
Slut-shaming is one of the most common forms of sexual harassment that students in middle and high school face, according to a report by the American Association of University Women. That’s why it is vital for parents to know how slut-shaming affects teenage girls.
Slut-Shaming In Various Forms
Bullies frequently use social media networks to post sexually inappropriate images and videos. As an example, bullies and cruel girls could photograph and post sexually explicit comments about the body of the girls they are bullying. Name-calling and sexual harassment are also possibilities. Often, these images and videos are shot without the target’s permission.
In other cases, a student may make an image of another student that labels her as a slut or disparages her body in some way.
For example, a group of teenagers made a series of multi-pane photographs with captions and shared them on Instagram. If you’ve ever wondered, “Hey females, did you know that boobs belong inside your shirt?” you’ve come to the right place.
Having sex with a girl and recording it on their phone without her knowledge has also been done by some boys. Their friends and the internet at large are then privy to these films. However, this sort of sexual harassment is also illegal, which they frequently fail to recognize.
As a result, child pornography charges may be filed.
Students who have a copy of the film, even if they didn’t ask for it, could face criminal penalties. Possession of child pornography on a smartphone may result in criminal charges.
Sexual harassment and humiliation are also possible outcomes of sexting. For example, when two people are dating, they may post sexually explicit or naked photographs of each other on social media. As a final act of humiliation, the lover shames his ex-girlfriend by posting her nude or semi-nude photos online.
Additionally, this type of action is illegal and could lead to accusations of child pornography. When a girl is infatuated with a guy, she may send him erotic photographs. Afterward, he shames her for sharing them. Sexting can seriously affect children if they don’t comprehend the hazards and consequences.
Culture of Slut-Shaming
When schools impose severe clothing restrictions that penalize girls for revealing too much skin, they unintentionally contribute to the slut-shaming culture. Finally, when girls are punished for breaking school rules and advised to dress a certain way to not “distract” boys, they are told they must do so.
According to advocates, this is a perilous path to follow.
When it comes to getting slut-banned or assaulted, this indicates that girls are somehow to blame or accountable for it. In blaming girls for boys’ reactions or inability to control themselves, victim-blaming takes place.
Slut-Shaming’s Long Term Effects
The double standard is upsetting to a lot of people. When it comes to sexual prowess, boys are usually praised and adored whereas girls are labeled as loose, easy, slut, or a whore.
Victims of sexual violence may be more susceptible to anxiety, risky behavior, despair, and suicidal tendencies.
Slut-shaming has been connected to sadness, anxiety, and suicidal ideation in many girls who have been slut-shamed.
Risk of Suicide
Several tales have surfaced of young girls who had been sexually abused taking their own deaths. All the girls were subjected to sexual humiliation, and in some cases, it was for something they had not done. As a result, several of them were driven to consider suicide the only way to end their agonizing lives.
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 if you are contemplating suicide and need help from a skilled counselor. To report an emergency threat, dial 911.
Discuss Slut-Shaming with Your Children
When parents talk about the dangers of sexting and sexual bullying with their daughters, they can help prevent slut-shaming in their children’s lives.
Teens should be reminded that slut-shaming is inappropriate, regardless of their feelings about the sexual actions of others. Discipline and education are necessary for any child who is detected engaged in sexual bullying or slut-shaming.
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