Before puberty, tweens need to know what to expect, including how to manage their menstrual cycle before they begin their period. As well as helping girls and boys prepare for the inevitable changes that come with puberty, teaching your teen how to use a pad and tampons ahead of time gives them a sense of security during what can be a trying time in their lives. Discuss the following topics with your adolescent.
What Exactly Is a ‘Pad?’
In all likelihood, your youngster has heard of pads through you, a close family member or friend, a commercial on TV, or even in health class. However, in case they aren’t aware, be sure to explain that pads are intended to help women manage their periods and stay clean and dry when menstruating.
When Should I Use One?
Using pads is a lot of fun because they’re so simple. Demonstrate how to unwrap the pad and, if required, how to remove the sticky adhesive strip on the pad’s bottom. Adhesive strips can also be seen on the “wings” of some places.
Many tweens are concerned that others may notice their pads. It’s important to note that even the most absorbent or long-lasting pads can’t be seen when worn under clothing. As a result, unless they choose to disclose it, no one needs to know if someone is using a pad or is having a period.
What’s the Deal With So Many Alternatives?
A wide variety of pad sizes, shapes, and densities are offered. When a woman’s menstruation is at its heaviest, she should use the most absorbent and regular pads. When a woman’s menstruation is light or sneaking suspicion that her period might start, she should use an ultra-thin pad or pantyliner.
Leak-prevention features such as wings or wraparound liners are available for some pads. Some of these goods can be difficult to use for an inexperienced tween. Pads with peel-away bottoms could be an option for your child as they get acclimated to managing their periods.
When Do Menstrual Pads Need to Be Replaced?
Tampons can be harmful if used for an extended time, as you may already be aware. Even so, people may not be aware of the “lifespan” of a pad. If your child’s menstrual flow is cumbersome, extra-absorbent pads may need to be replaced more frequently. Thinner, less absorbent pads are no different.
If your tween can’t figure out when a pad needs to be replaced, they should check every two to three hours. If you don’t change saturated pads straight away, you risk leaks.
Recycle them or throw them away?
Disposing of pads properly is equally as vital as using them correctly. Fold the used pads in half. Use toilet paper, tissue, or the packaging of the new pads to show your youngster how to cover a pad.
Insist that feminine hygiene products such as pads and tampons not be disposed of in the toilet but trash cans or other designated disposal areas. Your youngster must wash their hands as soon as the pad is flushed away.
What Stores Sell Pads for Periods?
Your preteen should know where to purchase pads if they get their period while you’re out of town, so make sure they know. Put it in their room where they keep their pants and underwear or put it in the bathroom sink.
Also, if they receive their period suddenly, they may want to have a pad or two in their locker at school or their backpack. Also, let them know that the school nurse’s office has pads.
You may find sanitary products in drugstores, supermarkets, and big-box stores like Target. The bottom line is, that teaching your teen how to use a pad is very important. So be sure to be there for them when their first period comes.