Fighting between siblings is commonplace. It’s a reality of life, and you know that much. While watching television, they argue about who gets the best seat in the car. When it comes to dinner, the two of them can’t agree. Bullying, on the other hand, occurs when a dispute between siblings turns violent. Discover the consequences of sibling bullying!
The most common kind of familial violence is between siblings. Child abuse occurs four to five times more frequently than this type of maltreatment. In addition, one-third of all children have experienced physical or sexual abuse at the hands of a sibling. And between 10% and 40% of youngsters have been bullied by a sibling on a regular basis. In spite of this, even the most serious incidents go undetected.
Bullying is commonly misunderstood by families, who think it’s just a game of horseplay or sibling rivalry. Or, even worse, they do nothing about it. A child who willfully harms or demeans another should be dealt with immediately.
Consequences of a Bullying Sibling
Awareness of the three components of bullies can help recognize sibling bullying. These include an imbalance of power, deliberate actions, and a pattern of recurrence. To put it another way, sibling bullying occurs when siblings routinely participate in bullying behaviors such as name-calling, humiliation, intimidation, and physical violence. I don’t think this is typical.
Adversity Between Siblings Should Never Be Tolerated.
Sibling rivalry and bullying are sometimes conflated in the minds of the public. There is, nevertheless, a distinction. Adversity isn’t always a part of sibling rivalry; it can sometimes foster healthy competition.
Children who their own siblings bully can suffer in the same way as those who are targeted on the playground. Even one study indicated that being bullied by a sibling was just as detrimental to one’s well-being as being bullied by peers. Siblings might be much more vicious than strangers.
Sibling bullying not only damages a victim’s self-esteem, but also haunts them for years to come. When a youngster is bullied by their own siblings, the only place they should feel safe is at home.
Some children who their siblings bully have emotional difficulties as a result.
They may, for example, feel discouraged, isolated, and alone. Anxiety, despair, and concerns with one’s own identity are all possibilities.
When they’re older, they’re still dealing with the effects of the humiliation they endured as a child. Sibling bullying can cause physical and academic harm to its victims. Kids may also suffer from headaches, stomach problems, and other physical ailments as their grades fall.
The Factors That Affect
Parents can sometimes facilitate bullying. It’s bad for both kids if you let them argue all the time and don’t step in. It’s never a smart idea to fight it out.
When it comes to teaching children how to solve problems, adults must step in. Without being taught how to work together and solve problems, they’ll resort to unhealthy methods in order to acquire what they desire. They may even bully one another in some circumstances.
Parents who praise or designate their children as “the smart one,” “the sporty one,” “the theatrical one,” or even the “silent one” encourage bullying in their children. Sibling rivalry that can turn into bullying is fueled by labels like “nerd” and “nerdy.”
After all, everyone has the right to live in a home where they feel safe and secure. Be careful not to let jealousy and sibling rivalry get out of hand.
How to Put a Stop to It
Intentional injury or humiliation of another child is a form of bullying that necessitates immediate redress. A bullied youngster must be dealt with harshly, and clear limits must be established. In addition, it’s important to remember that not all sibling bullying is physical. Relational aggressiveness and name-calling among siblings can be just as damaging as physical bullying in terms of the well-being of the victim.
Sibling bullying should be dealt with swiftly. Set boundaries and step in if insults or slurs are being exchanged. Be a role model for your children and teach them to respect their siblings. Step in immediately if a fight breaks out. Everyone in the family should have a sense of belonging, love, and respect. And should by all means avoid the consequences of sibling bullying.
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