The negative effects of Weight-Related Bullying on Self Confidence

July 17, 2022

Even though anyone can be bullied for many reasons, it seems that being overweight is particularly attractive to bullies. Even healthy-weight tweens and teens can be targeted for their low weight, obesity, or both. That’s why parents need to learn more about the negative effects of weight-related bullying.

Bullying children because of their weight or physical appearance can lead to a distorted view of themselves. As a result, there is difficulty with body image.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

It’s crucial to one’s sense of self to have a positive conception of one’s own body image. Even more importantly, how a young person sees their body is strongly linked to how they feel themselves as a person.

As a result, low self-esteem and other issues might arise due to a negative body image. Eating disorders, depression, and self-harm are all common in those with low self-esteem due to their unfavorable body image.

Weight-Teasing Has Its Downsides

Negative Effects of Weight-Related Bullying
*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

Getting rid of excess weight is a difficult task for overweight youngsters. Bullying, on the other hand, makes things even more difficult. It’s very uncommon for these children to feel they have no way out of their predicaments. In addition, weight mocking is not limited to schoolyard bullies.

Even the victim’s family members may have been involved in the crime in some cases. Bullying and teasing are done through relational hostility or subtle types of bullying. A “license to comment” is another option. They think it’s okay to comment on how much they weigh. The way they spend their time and money, what they wear, and what they eat are all possible topics of conversation for these individuals.

Negative Effects of Weight-Related Bullying
*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

In most cases, these weight-related tidbits sound like excellent advice. However, the words used are critical and judgmental, and this sends a clear message to children. As a result of this unfavorable body image, they are self-conscious.

When kids are made fun of for their weight, it can set off a vicious cycle where they overeat to cope with their feelings of humiliation. After that, they feel shame and guilt, and the cycle continues.

As a result of being bullied for their weight, obese youngsters are less likely to engage in physical activity. No, they aren’t being slack. Instead, they worry about being ridiculed by their peers. When it comes to running or doing push-ups, some people are afraid that others will judge them based on their abilities.

It’s not too late.

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

When dealing with weight-related bullying, most people believe that the first step is to help a youngster lose weight (or gain weight, depending on the situation). But in reality, the child can’t concentrate on his or her weight loss and health while also having to deal with the hurtful statements and critiques of others. Consequently, the bullying and mocking must be put to rest before anything else can happen.

Instead of focusing on how much weight your child has lost or gained, try to promote their self-acceptance. Children who suffer from a bad body image will only rehabilitate if they are content with who they are. Obesity isn’t the most crucial consideration.

*Image source: Pexels/Unsplash/Pixelbay

Stop bringing up your child’s weight in front of them or anyone else in the household. In addition, if the bullying occurs in a school setting, it must be handled as quickly as possible.

Make a pact with the principal that the bullying will be reported. Find out what steps they’re taking to keep your child safe emotionally at school. Your child can be helped to overcome bullying by encouraging them to change their perspective and focus on what is excellent in themselves.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

The first step in fostering healthy food and exercise habits is to deal with bullying. In addition, by concentrating on strengths rather than flaws, you can assist build confidence and resiliency in others. Also, refrain from praising your youngster for losing weight.

Make sure they participate in activities that will boost their self-esteem and overall fitness. Remind them of their achievements and express your satisfaction with their accomplishments. As a parent, you may demonstrate to your child that they have value regardless of how they appear on the outside.

Victims of weight teasing suffer various effects. Making it very important for parents to be aware of the negative effects of weight-related bullying.

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