Does Covid-19 Pose a Threat of Inducing a Miscarriage?

October 19, 2022

The COVID-19 epidemic is just one more thing pregnant women have to worry about on top of everything else. Many expectant mothers worry about the effects of contracting COVID during their pregnancies, namely whether or not it may raise the risk of miscarriage. But does Covid-19 really pose a threat of inducing a miscarriage?

This question is understandable considering the increased risk of miscarriage, pregnancy problems, premature birth, and neonatal loss associated with COVID, as well as other catastrophic outcomes in pregnant persons, according to a preliminary study. However, there are measures that may be taken to reduce the risk, such as getting vaccinated against COVID, which has been demonstrated to reduce the severity of bad birth outcomes.

*Image source: Pavel Danilyuk

We consulted authorities to learn more about the developing data linking COVID-19 and miscarriage and to get advice on how to keep ourselves and our unborn children safe.

First Trimester COVID-19

The connection between COVID and miscarriage has been reported in certain worrying news stories. An increased risk of miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy was discovered in people who contracted COVID, according to a study published in Human Reproduction in 2022. According to the study’s findings, pregnant women who tested positive for COVID had nearly a 1.7-fold increased risk of miscarriage compared to those who did not.

*Image source: MART PRODUCTION

But there are a few things to consider before you freak out. Remember that there is a huge gap between what we know now and what we need to know about COVID and pregnancy. The entire effects of COVID-19 on pregnancy are currently unknown. Although some studies are small or continuing, we know that pregnant women, especially those with preexisting health issues, have a far higher risk of serious sickness from COVID-19 than nonpregnant people.

Whether or whether you have COVID-19, miscarriages in the first trimester are a sad reality for many expecting mothers. Therefore, it may be challenging to determine whether or not COVID was the actual cause of your miscarriage in the first trimester.

*Image source: Ivan Samkov

He estimates that chromosomal abnormalities cause almost half of all miscarriages. The other cases are most likely caused by gynecological problems (such as fibroids or polyps in the uterus) or other medical conditions like diabetes, hypertension, or autoimmunity.

During the first trimester of pregnancy, COVID-19 may play a role due to the inflammatory reaction that this virus can induce in some people, which in turn may have an effect on the placenta. The placental function can be negatively impacted by COVID because it can trigger a systemic inflammatory response. When the placenta becomes inflamed, it can’t deliver enough blood and oxygen to the developing embryo, which might result in miscarriage.

COVID-19, Second and Third Quarter

*Image source: cottonbro

A few questions have been raised about how COVID might manifest itself in the latter stages of pregnancy. While some of this information is upsetting, it’s vital to put things in perspective and remember that adverse effects like these are quite uncommon. Furthermore, our knowledge of how COVID impacts pregnancy is still developing, as it varies depending on the specific strain of the virus and whether or not you have been vaccinated.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) notes that women infected with COVID in their later trimesters of pregnancy have experienced serious difficulties. For instance, in the case of COVID, a pregnant woman is more likely to give birth prematurely (before 37 weeks). Pregnant women with COVID have an increased risk of being hospitalized and requiring intensive care unit (ICU) care, which may include ventilation, which can be harmful to the developing baby.

*Image source: cottonbro

COVID infection has also been connected to stillbirth and infant death. An examination of birth outcomes from March 2020 through September 2021 by the CDC linked COVID-positive pregnant women to an increased risk of stillbirth, specifically during the time that the delta variation was circulating. Hospitalized pregnant women with COVID issues had a higher risk of having a stillborn child, according to the study authors. They further speculate that COVID-induced inflammation and decreased blood supply to the placenta may play a role in these unfortunate results.

There is some evidence that these factors raise the likelihood of a miscarried pregnancy. Having a miscarriage in the second trimester is unusual, although it is possible if the placenta is damaged by inflammation.

When You Need to See a Doctor

*Image source: MART PRODUCTION

If you suffer any signs of a miscarriage, don’t wait to see a doctor. During a COVID infection, a miscarriage might have symptoms that are generic to miscarriage.

Miscarriage symptoms typically include vaginal bleeding (with or without pain), vaginal gush, or vaginal tissue passing through the vagina. Whether or whether you have COVID, the CDC advises keeping an eye out for vision changes, dizziness/fainting, fever, severe swelling, problems breathing, decreased fetal activity, and unexplained bleeding in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.

*Image source: Ivan Samkov

Worrying about having a miscarriage if you get COVID while pregnant is normal, and you’re not alone in your worries. The best method to safeguard yourself at this time is to get vaccinated and adhere to public health guidelines.

Please consult your healthcare professional or midwife if you have any more questions or are concerned that you may be having a miscarriage.

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