Ovulation Monitoring Is Now Available On The Apple Watch Series 8

November 13, 2022

The newest Apple Watch has features that may be useful in ovulation monitoring.. The improved, highly sensitive temperature sensors in the Series 8 watch are, according to Apple, what will allow users to detect ovulation.

If you’re trying to conceive, keeping track of your ovulation is a crucial step. Unfortunately, ovulation tracking might be confusing.

Does Apple Make a Watch That Can Tell Me If I’m Ovulating?

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

The new Apple Series 8 watch (and the revamped Apple Watch SE) reportedly has a few reproductive health-related capabilities. The temperature sensor is the watch’s main selling point. One sensor rests on your skin, while another is hidden beneath the watch’s screen. This “two-sensor” setup is intended to improve precision by mitigating the effects of environmental bias.

The watch takes your temperature every 5 seconds, and the manufacturer recommends wearing it while you sleep. Apple claims that the watch can detect temperature changes as little as 0.1 degrees Celsius. Your Apple Watch will then use “retrospective ovulation estimates” to monitor your body temperature changes and patterns in the Health app.

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

Apple’s tracking of your temperature is predicated on the notion that it rises once ovulation is complete (called basal body temperature, or BBT). Highly sensitive thermometers can detect this change, which is best monitored while the body is at rest. Ovulation can be confirmed using the temperature approach, but only after it has already occurred. An ovulation estimation, in retrospect, looks like this.

The Apple Notes These additional capabilities will not only aid in ovulation prediction but will also reveal any cycle anomalies or warning indications you may have.

Can You Trust an Ovulation Monitor?

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

How well an ovulation tracker works is highly dependent on the data, it’s collecting. All ovulation trackers are not created equal. Using data from your last period or your cycle history, several apps can estimate your fertile window. More than one approach should be used to either predict or confirm ovulation for a more precise ovulation tracker.

Each person’s needs are different, therefore, they must pick which tracker is ideal. There can be no broad statements. Before choosing a tracker or setting monitoring parameters, consult your doctor.

*Image source: Pixelbay/Pexels/Unsplash

Ovulation predictor kits tend to be the most accurate of the various ways available for tracking ovulation. Urine samples are used in over-the-counter ovulation predictor kits to identify a rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) production, which occurs around 36 hours before ovulation.

The accuracy of ovulation prediction kits is around 95%. Occasionally, they can give false positive results, especially in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome, ovarian insufficiency, or perimenopause, all of which can cause a spike in LH levels.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

To detect ovulation, monitoring your basal body temperature is an effective way. But it can be challenging to do so regularly. Measuring must be done first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. The BBT trackers that can be worn are convenient because they measure at the same time each day. However, many factors, including illness and medicine, can affect BBT, therefore it is not a foolproof metric.

How Do Ovulation Monitors Differ From Period Counters?

*Image source: Pexels/Pixelbay/Unsplash

There’s a lot of confusion around ovulation and period tracking, so you’re not alone. Period trackers are time-based, allowing you to know when your next period is due and how many days have gone by since your last one. In contrast, ovulation trackers analyze information from ovulation predictor tests and bodily signals like temperature and cervical fluid changes.

Using a period tracker to determine when ovulation will occur is often inaccurate. This is because period trackers make educated ovulation guesses based on when the body is “supposed to” be producing an egg. A common average used by period trackers is to estimate that you will ovulate 14 days after the first day of your period. Ovulation dates can vary from month to month because of this individual variation.

*Image source: Unsplash/Pixelbay/Pexels

The user of this tracker may not be conceiving since her ovulation occurred outside the expected window, even though she has a “regular cycle.”

Keeping track of your ovulation with an ovulation tracker can be a huge help when you’re trying to conceive and need to know when you’re most fertile. However, not every tracking device is created equal, and none can replace the expertise of a trained medical professional. If you’re attempting to conceive or want to monitor your fertility, visit your doctor or midwife.

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