First Covid-19 Treatment Approved by FDA For Children Under 12

December 6, 2022

The first treatment for COVID-19 in children less than 11 was approved by the FDA in April 2022. Those who weigh at least 40 kilograms (about 88 pounds) and have COVID-19 were the only ones for whom Veklury (remdesivir) had been approved.

Until now, the medicine had only been made available to children under the age of 18 under an emergency use authorization (EUA) order from the Food and Drug Administration. The EUA was canceled at the same moment the agency gave its blessing.

There is still a need for secure and efficient COVID-19 treatment alternatives, as this virus can cause severe sickness in children, some of whom do not have a vaccination option at the present time. Because of this unmet need, the FDA has today approved the first COVID-19 therapy specifically for this demographic.

During and after the Procedure

Remdesivir is beneficial at preventing serious diseases and reducing hospitalization or mortality when taken early in COVID-19 infection.

According to seminal research published in the New England Journal of Medicine, 87% of COVID-19 progression can be halted if Remdesivir is administered within the first five days (the acute viral phase) of disease.

That is to say if administered properly and to the appropriate patient at the right time, remdesivir can be an extremely powerful antiviral.

Intriguing Developments for Pediatricians and Parents

Doctors are optimistic about the new treatment option, even though it will only help a small percentage of children (those already hospitalized with COVID-19 or at very high risk of serious disease).

Many youngsters won’t be able to get the new medication even though there is a large list of diseases that increase the risk of serious sickness from COVID-19. You should ask your child’s doctor if he or she is eligible for any government-funded health programs before a sickness or exposure happens.

According to the FDA, vaccinating your child is still the best option. Pfizer and Moderna both make effective COVID-19 vaccines, and there are a total of three on hand for use in an emergency situation, one for each age group. According to the FDA, the vaccines’ intended purpose is to prevent hospitalization and death. The organization also stressed the need to give people a boost if they were qualified to do so.

The FDA explained that the approval was based on data from an adult phase 3 clinical trial because the condition progresses similarly in adults and children.

So, What Does This Mean For You?

Vaccination against COVID-19 is available in the United States for everyone older than 6 months. Both the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advise that all children who are eligible do so as soon as possible because the vaccine protects them from serious disease brought on by COVID-19.

In general, it appears that children are less severely affected by COVID-19 than adults are; nonetheless, children with weakened immune systems or preexisting health issues are at a higher risk of developing severe symptoms than their healthy peers.

Seek emergency medical assistance if your kid develops severe COVID-19 symptoms.

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