Preventing Your Child From Getting Sick

February 9, 2023

Learning and growing intellectually, developing socially, and becoming self-reliant are all important aspects of school. In this article, you will learn the steps you can take in preventing your child from getting sick in the coming school years and when you should decide to make them take antibiotics, and when they’re too ill to go to school.

Most of their time is spent in classrooms, breeding grounds for germs and diseases that can be passed from one student to another.

Healthy behaviors like hand washing, getting enough sleep, and eating nutritious foods should be instilled in children early. Parents can model for their children how to prioritize their health during the school year by helping them develop a few key behaviors.

Check Your Vaccination Status.

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Because vaccines are the best approach to prevent the spread of 16 distinct diseases, the number of children who obtained all required vaccinations promptly dropped dramatically during the pandemic.

Over the age of six months, the COVID-19 vaccines have been approved for use in children. – Schedule your child’s COVID-19 vaccine appointment with their pediatrician, and ensure they have all the vaccinations they need, including the seasonal flu vaccine, to protect them from influenza. All family members should have received one by the end of this month.

As recommended by the CDC, the COVID-19 vaccine should be administered to all children six months of age and older (CDC). People who have received all their recommended vaccinations have a lower risk of contracting and spreading the disease.

Contact your child’s pediatrician if you are unclear about how to get your child vaccinated.

Educate Them on the Correct Method of Hand Washing.

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At least 20 seconds of hand washing with soap and water are critical in preventing sickness in the classroom and elsewhere. Kids can readily spread germs when they rub their eyes or scratch their noses, especially if they come into contact with pathogens.

It’s only time before the rest of the family falls ill. The spread of germs is slowed by frequent hand washing, though.

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Get immunized and wear masks to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Avoid close contact with people. Wash hands frequently.

Educate children on how and when to wash their hands (after blowing their nose, using the bathroom, and before eating). Consequently, they are less likely to become ill themselves or to infect other people.

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Assist children in washing their hands if they are young. The CDC recommends using at least 60 percent alcohol-based hand sanitizer to destroy germs that cause COVID-19 and other infections for those who can’t wash their hands regularly.

Take Care of Your Immune System

Keeping children’s bodies healthy is critical to ensuring their immune systems can function correctly.

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Your child’s chance of developing colds, flu, and other infections can be reduced by getting adequate sleep, eating a good diet, controlling stress, exercising, laughing, and emphasizing the need for hand washing.

Even if you take precautions, your child’s immune system will still mature to the point where they have six to eight colds annually. Furthermore, with COVID-19 still circulating, schools must take steps to prevent diseases in the 2022–2023 school year.

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There is no more effective means of preventing sickness than vaccinations. Parents are increasingly interested in supplementing their children’s diets with elderberry or higher dosages of vitamins such as vitamin C. Still, you should always check with your child’s doctor before giving them any supplements.

Vitamin supplements are not recommended for healthy children who eat a diversified diet, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). Ideally, they should obtain their vitamin requirements from the diet.

Pay attention to Symptoms of Anxiety or Stress.

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Every day, children are subjected to many stressful situations due to homework, exams, and peer pressure. Stress and worry can destroy children’s health, just like they can harm adults. Parents must learn to recognize signs of stress in their children and how to help them cope with their stress.

Keep this in mind as you help your child adjust to new habits and situations when they start a new school year. Children are still dealing with the pandemic’s effects, and some may remain distressed for some time.

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Find ways to empower your child to make decisions about their behavior, like what they wear and how they spend time in the evening. As a group, brainstorm what helps people relax. Writing in a journal may be a favorite pastime for some children, while others may prefer to play a board game or go for a stroll.

Stress management solutions should be tailored to each child’s unique needs. This might not be true for someone else. Make an appointment with your child’s pediatrician to see if these self-help tactics aren’t working for you.

Establish a Regular Sleep Schedule

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Providing your children with adequate sleep is essential to their well-being. Lack of sleep has been proved to have negative effects on youngsters, according to research. Sleep deprivation has been linked to obesity, sadness, suicidal thoughts, and injuries, among other things.

In addition to affecting a child’s physical and emotional well-being, getting enough sleep also affects their academic performance. In addition, studies show that children are getting less sleep now than they did in the past.

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A meta-analysis of nearly 700,000 children from 20 nations found a decline of around one hour per night in children’s sleep during the past century.

It is possible to obtain a good night’s sleep even with the most rowdy of children if you make your schedule more consistent and reassure yourself.

A Brain-Boosting Breakfast Is Essential

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Regarding students, breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day. The importance of a protein- and complex-carbohydrate-rich breakfast for optimal brain health and sustained energy has been well documented.

According to one study, children who eat breakfast daily are more likely to meet their dietary needs and consume less total fat and cholesterol. Children who consistently eat breakfast have levels of iron, B vitamins, and vitamin D that are 20-60% higher than those who do not.

Incorporate Healthy Snacks Into Your Program

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After school, many children are hungry. But you don’t have to forsake healthy nourishment to get what you need. After-school snacks must not be laden with sugar, fat, or preservatives.

Snacks are essential because they help children acquire the nutrients they require when consumed with nutritious meals. As a bonus for parents, offering tiny snacks between meals reinforces the concept that children should eat only when truly hungry. This encourages people to choose a more healthful diet.

When is a child too ill to go to school?

There comes a time when every parent of a school-age child must decide whether or not to send their ill child to school. When working with school-age children, it might be difficult to tell whether or not you’re dealing with a sick youngster. Is he trying to get more time with his mother and the rewards that come with being unwell, such as extra hugs and perhaps even a DVD??

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Something in school seems to be bothering him, so I wonder what it is. Is he infected, or is it something else? For working parents, this is a huge problem to make it easier for you to decide whether or not to keep your ill child at home or send him to school in hopes that he’ll feel better once he’s there for the day.

In which circumstances should you keep your sick child at home?

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  • There’s no way around it: it’s time to call off school if you have a fever. (The average guideline most colleges give is between 100 and 101 degrees.) Ensure your sick child is fever-free for at least 24 hours without using medicine before sending him back to school.
  • Diarrhea may be a sign of a viral infection, so keep your child at home if they are experiencing this. When he has diarrhea, you must keep rehydrating him with an oral rehydration solution, and the best place to do that is at home.
  • Besides the fact that he will be uncomfortable, your youngster may vomit again. Refrain from sending him to school if he hasn’t vomited in 24 hours, even though some parents and physicians claim it’s okay to do so.
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  • The severity of the cough is a factor in this. When a pupil coughs, the virus can spread to other classmates. When a child suffers from a severe cough, they may not be able to sleep well at night, which means they may be exhausted when they get up in the morning. It’s best to call your pediatrician and keep your child at home if your child develops a persistent cough that’s followed by wheezing or difficulty breathing. If his cough isn’t severe and he hasn’t developed any other symptoms, he should be okay to go to school.
  • This could indicate infectious diseases, such as impetigo, which is communicable. Before bringing your child to school, you should have a rash assessed by a doctor.
  • Parenting a child with pinkeye (conjunctivitis) can be a nightmare, as many parents know all too well from their own experience. Until the doctor instructs otherwise, keep your youngster at home.

Your Child’s First Day of School

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  • The stomach ache is a tricky one to diagnose. In the absence of diarrhea or constipation, stomach cramps could be caused by various factors, including stress and food poisoning. Send him to school if the stomach problems are moderate and there are no other signs. You can talk to him about his feelings later if they come up.
  • To determine if your child has an ear infection or a cough, you need to consider his other symptoms. In most cases, he should stay at home if he’s experiencing any discomfort in his ears, but if he is in agony, he should be taken out of class and kept there. This is especially true if the illness comes with additional accompanying signs or symptoms such as fever.
  • Let’s be honest: If you keep your child home every time he has a runny nose, he will lose a lot of school time. Make an informed decision. If he has a runny nose but is generally healthy, he may be able to attend school.

In the end, trust your gut.

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Sluggishness and lack of enthusiasm in playing should prompt you to keep your child at home and monitor him for signs of illness.

When to make them take antibiotics?

Deciding whether to head for the doctor’s office or wait out a sickness can be tough.

It is possible to have an upper respiratory infection or cold if you have a runny nose, nasal congestion, a sore throat, and a cough. 

A virus is to blame for an infection of the upper respiratory tract. Viral infections can progress in a variety of ways. The most common symptoms of these diseases are a runny nose, sore throat, and fever.

A cough may develop as the infection worsens. It is common for fevers to persist only a few days, while cold symptoms can last up to 14 days. An antibiotic cannot kill a virus. With time, your body’s immune system takes care of it.

Once we have ruled out Covid infection, these are the symptoms that indicate that you should come into the clinic and begin antibiotic therapy.

  • Extremely high fever that persists despite the use of fever-reducing medications and lasts for more than 2-3 days.
  • Excessive sobbing and sluggishness are symptoms of a “toxic” demeanor.
  • Signs of dehydration include refusal to eat or drink.
  • Coughing, fast breathing, or respiratory discomfort can cause excruciating pain.
  • A nosebleed that is bloody or phlegmatic
  • Symptoms lasting more than 14 days in the absence of any of the above conditions

Antibiotics are used to treat a secondary infection in the sinuses, ears, throat, and chest caused by bacteria. 

Antibiotics should be avoided wherever possible in order to avoid the development of germs that are resistant to them. In order to avoid overusing antibiotics, they should only be used in cases where no other option exists.

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