4 Ways To Start A Positive Parenting Routine

February 13, 2023

My little preschooler doesn’t mind when I’m around. I can’t count how many times I’ve warned him not to jump off the bed. Does your child show the same behavior? If they do, in this article, you’re gonna find out 4 ways on how can start a positive parenting routine that’s going to help your kids be more responsive to you.

Back to my preschooler, one time, she used her markers to decorate the wall, and she stared directly at me.

What compels him to run around the house shouting? He is aware that I will not tolerate such conduct.

Many people associate the word “discipline” with negative connotations, such as that punishment and bad behavior. Yet there is much more to discipline than that. Children learn and develop by exploring and experimenting in the world around them, but they rely on you to keep them safe and instruct them in the ways of the world. Help them by giving them limits and consequences for breaking those limits.

While every child is different, and no single method of discipline will work for every family, there is a method that can provide useful tools for addressing behavioral issues. You can teach your children to make good decisions even when you’re not around by using a technique called “positive discipline.”

What exactly is this thing called “Positive Discipline?”

One part of being a good parent is practicing positive discipline. Instead of telling your child what he can’t do, you can instead tell him what you want him to do. Still, he needs to be viewed through the lens of his age and stage of development. For instance, a child of age two or three would benefit from a specific demonstration of the desired behavior. Perhaps taking his hand and showing him how to put his toys away correctly will be more helpful. If you talk to a four-year-old about where the toys go, he might remember it better.

One must first identify the issue and set an appropriate goal to implement effective discipline. Though preventing your child from running and screaming inside the house may seem like a pressing issue, remember that the ultimate goal is to promote lasting, positive behavioral changes. A better alternative to “Don’t run and yell!” is “Walk, please, and lower your voice for indoor use.” Preschoolers, especially, require frequent reassurance and reinforcement of appropriate behavior.

To help your child develop independence and self-control, we’ve compiled some advice and resources to get you through the tough times.

Does Correcting Children Physically Have Any Effect?

No solution to this problem can be achieved through physical punishment. The problem may be mitigated temporarily, but research shows that this approach is ineffective at fostering positive behavioral change in the long run. Because the child hasn’t learned from his mistakes, the misbehavior is likely to continue. A child may learn that it’s acceptable to hit others when angry or upset if subjected to physical discipline like spanking.

Nowadays, fewer children receive spankings than in the past. Most parents have probably felt the urge to physically correct their child in order to prevent an unsafe activity, end an annoying behavior, or get their child’s attention when nothing else has worked. Positive discipline can still be the best option, even in the most trying circumstances.

Effective Positive Discipline: 4 Methods

Good parenting boils down to displaying the traits you hope your offspring will adopt. Some constructive advice for raising a preschooler is provided below. Always keep in mind that you and your child can only improve with repeated exposure to the activity.

Put on a happy face and get going.

Instead of seeing yourself as a strict disciplinarian, try to see yourself as a supportive parenting coach. The way you handle difficult situations is an example your child will learn to emulate. Some constructive methods of instruction are as follows:

1. Maintain composure and use a natural tone of voice.

Doing so will show that you’re not scared of challenges and can stay calm under pressure. Keeping a cool demeanor around your child can positively affect his or her anxiety level. If your child hears you yell or give a lecture, it may cause them to feel even more rejected or angry. Instead of encouraging good behavior, it may make your child feel bad about himself.

2. Give precise, encouraging directives.

When kids act out, it’s often because they don’t know how to behave. As straightforward as the instruction “Get ready for dinner” may appear to be, your child may still be unaware of the necessary preparations. Instructions broken down into two steps are usually manageable for preschoolers. Explain to your kid, “Our dinner will soon be ready. Toys are to be put away, and hands should be washed at this time.” Then it was time to “Come to the table and sit in your chair.”

3. Applaud admirable conduct.

Keep an eye out for chances to give your child constructive, detailed praise for their actions. “I really appreciate you taking the baby to play so I could get some laundry folded. It cheered us up equally. I value your willingness to lend a hand.” Your child will feel more pride in his good behavior if you give him specific praise right then and there. You can correct his behavior by pointing out how he should have handled the situation.

4. Keep your sense of humor.

Try making light of a child’s disobedience instead of scolding them: “Here comes the tickle monster to get children who don’t listen!” Lots of parents have started using catchy slogans like “stop, look, and listen” to get their kids to pay attention and act responsibly in various settings.

Always Act Kindly

1. Demonstrate courtesy.

The first step in teaching your child proper manners is to use polite language yourself. Keep an ear out for him as he explains things. Talk to him at eye level and be personable.

Don’t ask him right away; instead, give him a heads-up. “In just a minute, we’ll be on our way out. That’s sufficient time for three additional slides down the water park’s water slide. Allow me to lead you in a count.” You can still set a good example when your child misbehaves by using respectful language and actions.

2. Explain the value of learning from one’s mistakes.

The loss of a toy thrown behind the couch is a natural consequence of misbehavior. Allow your kid to learn the hard way. If he gets angry, try to put yourself in his shoes. “You seem upset at the moment. You want that toy, I can tell. I know you tossed it behind the couch, but I can’t go get it right now. At least you shouldn’t throw it behind the couch the next time.” Wait until he has finished crying or venting his emotions before moving on.

3. Have some patience.

A child’s level of maturity and development may need to be improved to consistently follow your rules and expectations. Don’t take it personally if your child makes a mistake as he learns; instead, have patience with him. Keep in mind that he is not a bad person or a rebellious one. He is trying to develop normally like any good kid would.

How safe is my child when using positive discipline?

The safety of their children is a primary concern for any parent. Your role as a parent is to ensure your child’s safety without stifling his natural curiosity and urge to test the limits of his environment.

Your child’s safety depends on your ability to keep an eye on him. A two-year-old can be taught not to run into the street, but he should never be left unattended in a neighborhood with heavy traffic. Children of any age need constant monitoring and redirection to prevent injury.

While it’s natural to want to lash out when your preschooler does something risky, remember that yelling at or physically punishing him won’t teach him his lesson or prevent him from doing it again. Redirect him safely and explain to him what he should do instead of using constructive parenting methods. If you need some time to collect your thoughts before having that important talk with your kid, take it.

Supporting Materials

Not only that, but you should know that you have support. If you can’t handle everything on your own, talk to someone you trust, like your partner, family, or friends. Parents of younger and older children in Texas can call the Texas Youth Helpline at 1-800-989-6884 for support.

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