10 Strategies For Calming A Crying Baby

February 14, 2023

What is the best way to soothe a crying baby? Hearing a fussy infant cry may be extremely upsetting for new parents. And it may appear that your infant is constantly crying. This can make you fatigued or irritated, or it can make you feel guilty for being so agitated. That is typical. So it’s vital for you to know these 10 strategies for calming down your crying baby.

The good news is that infant crying is typical as well. As long as your kid is healthy, it’s normal for them to cry a lot in the first several months. It doesn’t imply you’re a poor parent if your baby screams a lot. Every baby cries. It’s not fun, but as with everything else in parenting, you’ll get through it. And you are not alone; other parents have felt the same way.

It can be comforting to know that newborns use crying to communicate their needs. Here are some strategies to respond to your crying newborn in order to address his (or her) needs and calm your crying baby.

Possible Reasons Your Baby is Crying

Think about what might be causing your baby’s distress. First, look into the common causes of your baby’s crying. Is it possible that your child is:

  • Needs a new diaper?
  • Tired?
  • Hungry?
  • Overstimulated?
  • Is it too hot or too cold?
  • Uncomfortable?
  • Gassy or needs to burp more frequently?

There may be instances when you have done everything possible, and your baby is still crying. This is difficult for parents, but remain cool. Never shake your baby or vent your frustrations on him or her. Shaking a baby can result in severe brain damage.

Techniques for Crying and Soothing

Tips for soothing a crying infant that you can try right now.

1. Hold your child close to you.

Bonding and physical touch transmit love, warmth, and care to your infant and help him or her feel safe. Holding your infant may help him relax. Wearing your baby in a sling or carrier can help you keep your infant near for extended periods of time. Swaddling him can also make him feel more secure.

2. Hum or “shush” quietly.

Humming a melody or shushing in your baby’s ear will help. Hold him near your chest so he can feel the vibration. The shushing replicates being in the womb, which is soothing to a baby.

3. Make use of white noise or music.

Make white noise nearby by running a vacuum cleaner or a fan. There are numerous white noise apps available for download to your phone, as well as a simple white noise machine. White noise devices can also help you get deeper REM slumber. Avoid machines that have a lot of lights since they can be distracting when the infant is asleep. Playing music or singing a song might also help to calm your infant.

4. Swing, rock, or bounce lightly.

Rock your baby gently in a rocking chair. The use of cushions or blankets to pad your baby can raise the risk of SIDS or asphyxia. You can gently sway while carrying your baby if you don’t have a chair.

5. Perform the walk and pat.

Hold your infant close and take smooth, bouncy steps. Gently and softly pat your infant on the bottom or back. Make your walking and patting as steady and rhythmic as possible. Consider your hand a heartbeat or hum a song (out or in your thoughts) and pat along to the beat. If you become agitated or frustrated, you should abandon this strategy and try something different. You don’t want to over-pat your infant.

6. Take a ride.

A brief trip in the car or stroller provides a calming motion that can occasionally help to calm a wailing baby.

7. Take a warm bath or give your infant a massage.

If your baby enjoys the water, a warm bath before bedtime may help soothe a fussy newborn. Try a gentle massage in a darkened room after the bath. Many newborns love gentle squeezes; explore to find out what yours prefers. Your doctor can advise you on how to massage your baby properly. A moderate massage might also assist your infant in passing gas.

8. Get the pacifier.

Try a pacifier if your baby is more than a month old and is nursing or taking a bottle well. If your infant won’t stop sobbing, the sucking motion can be soothing. A pacifier, for example, can help to soothe and relax your infant. Before introducing a pacifier, if you are breastfeeding, make sure it is firmly established. This prevents nipple confusion and allows you to detect hunger signs.

9. Go outside.

A change of scenery can often be all that your infant requires to calm down. Try going for a walk outside and exposing your infant to new sights and sounds, such as birds tweeting.

10. Experiment with the reverse football hold.

The reverse football hold can be soothing for babies, particularly if they are experiencing gas problems. This posture applies mild pressure to the baby’s stomach, which can aid in removing gas. The following is how it works:

  • Lay your infant on his stomach or side on your forearm, head toward your elbow.
  • Apply mild pressure to your baby’s tummy with the palm of your hand. You can increase stability by holding onto your his.
  • Gently stroke and pat his back with your other hand.
  • Sway back and forth softly. This soothing rhythmic motion can help your infant relax.

Please Be Patient.

Every baby has different soothing needs, and you may need to combine some of these to help your baby stop screaming – for example, try the stroller ride with the pacifier. Whatever strategy you employ, it is critical to maintain the same relaxing action for several minutes before attempting something new.

Your infant is less likely to quiet down if you move between approaches too rapidly. If you’ve tried one of the approaches and your baby keeps crying or becomes more agitated, consider one of the other recommendations given above. It takes effort and care to calm your newborn. Babies have varied preferences on different days, so don’t be shocked if the same thing doesn’t always work.

It’s Time to Cry

There may be instances when none of these suggestions work, and your baby continues to cry. It is fine to place your baby in his cot as long as you know he is not unwell. This will give him a chance to relax and offer you a rest. Take a big breath and walk away, or phone a friend. It’s natural to feel stressed, and taking a few moments for oneself is OK.

Never, Ever Hit a Baby

It’s alright to take a break if you can’t quiet your baby or if you’re feeling irritated or overwhelmed by your baby’s crying. Step back and place your kid in his crib on his back. Remind yourself that your infant is not attempting to cause you distress. It’s normal for a baby to cry alone for a short period of time, so take a 10-15 minute pause to let the baby calm down.

Never shake or strike your baby. This can result in long-term internal or brain injuries and death. Stay cool, no matter how difficult it is when your baby won’t stop wailing. This stage will pass as your child grows.

What if the crying continues for hours?

Sometimes infants cry for extended periods of time for no apparent cause, and crying fits seem to come in waves. If you’ve tried everything and double-checked everything, make sure your youngster isn’t sick or damaged.

Remember that having a baby who cries a lot will not last forever. Your babies will become more adept at communicating their demands as they get older.

Is my infant suffering from colic?

Colic, or uncontrollable sobbing in a healthy newborn, affects certain babies. Your baby may weep for no apparent cause, and some babies with colic scream or wail as if they are in pain.

Colic affects many newborns, but it normally passes by three months of age. However, if your baby is severely fussy and you suspect colic, you should consult with your child’s pediatrician. If your baby is colicky, use the suggestions above to find ways to soothe him.

Seek assistance.

You are not required to do this on your own. If you are upset or overwhelmed, get assistance from your partner, family, or friends, or phone a helpline. They can make some helpful ideas to assist in soothing your crying infant. Talking to someone can remind you that many other parents are going through the same thing.

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