The Definitive Baby Poop Color Guide

March 10, 2023

As a new parent, it’s natural to be concerned about every little detail when it comes to your baby’s health, including their bowel movements. That’s why we’ve created The Definitive Baby Poop Color Guide – a comprehensive resource to help you understand the various colors of your baby’s feces and what they may indicate about their overall well-being.

The average newborn baby uses 10 diapers each day, and you are undoubtedly spending a lot of time observing their bowel motions. What goes in is what comes out, explains physician and coauthor of Baby 411: Clear Answers & Smart Advice for Your Baby’s First Year Ari Brown, M.D. “For parents who can’t quantify what their baby is eating, excrement is one of the only signs,” he adds.

Your child’s poop will likely undergo significant daily color changes. And while there is a wide spectrum of typical colors, some stool colors may point to a medical issue. Fortunately, our baby poop chart is available to assist. To find out your baby’s bowel movement color and whether they require a pediatrician appointment, continue reading.

Dark Greenish-Black Baby Poop

You’ll encounter something that resembles sticky, greenish-black tar the first time your infant craps. It is known as meconium and is made up of bile, digestive gland secretions, and amniotic fluid. Although meconium doesn’t smell unpleasant, it is significantly more difficult to clean up than regular excrement. In order to create a barrier, you can literally apply petroleum jelly on your baby’s skin.

Your newborn will begin having transitional poops, which are a combination of meconium and breastfeeding or formula feces, between two to four days after delivery. They have a dark green or brown color, and although they are softer than meconium, they have a sticky consistency. Transitional poop persists until your infant is getting enough to eat.

Yellow-Brown Baby Poop

Healthy babies often digest food by the end of the first week. When food leaves the stomach, bile from the liver is added, along with bacteria and partially digested milk components, to create baby poop. If you are nursing, your infant will have bright yellow, watery, occasionally seedy, and faintly yeasty-smelling excrement. Parents might associate it with cottage cheese, mustard, or scrambled eggs.

Yellow-Brown Baby Poop

Your baby’s feces will change yellow-brown, green-tan, or brown in the first or second week after commencing the formula. This excrement is similar to peanut butter or toothpaste in thickness and firmness. According to author and newborn nutritionist Linda Palmer, the fermentation of sugars in formula, similar to how bread rises, may cause it to smell like yeast. Brown or dark yellow baby feces is produced by newborns who get both breast milk and formula.

Brown Baby Poop

Your baby’s intestines get populated with a variety of good bacteria when they first start consuming solid food, which results in browner and stenchier excrement. Depending on what your infant ate, it might also be blue, yellow, green, orange, or red. These bowel motions are frequently quite odoriferous and may contain pieces of undigested food.

Watery Green-Brown Baby Poop

Baby excrement with a loose, watery consistency that is yellow, brown, or green can be a sign of diarrhea. Parasites, food intolerances, antibiotics, or viral infections bring it on. Dehydration can occur in babies who have diarrhea, so keep an eye on them carefully.

Also keep in mind that infant poop mucus might have a yellow, green, or brown hue and may resemble diarrhea. Due to a milk allergy, an infection, or excessive saliva swallowing during teething, mucus can be found in bowel movements.

Harder Dark Brown Baby Poop

Dark brown or black baby feces is more common in backed-up newborns. Constipation is thick and firm and feels like little pellets, marbles, or logs. It can occur when fiber and liquids aren’t absorbed adequately, which frequently results from a food allergy or intolerance to milk proteins.

Bright Green Baby Poop

As bright green bile has not had time to break down, bright green feces is typically an indication that food has gone quickly through your baby’s system, possibly as a result of a small stomach virus. It’s possible that your infant drank too rapidly from the breast or a bottle if they have a gassy stool and smelly gas. With your pediatrician’s help, find ways to slow it down; once that’s done, the poop should resume its regular pattern.

Dark Green Baby Poop

Your baby’s excrement may appear dark green if certain things, such as uneaten veggies or iron-rich diets or supplements, are consumed.

Red Baby Poop

Does your child’s excrement have a reddish tint? It’s most likely flecks or streaks of undigested blood caused by a milk allergy, an intestinal illness, or a constipation-related rectal fissure. Additionally, your infant may swallow nipple blood while you are breastfeeding, or red specks may develop from dark-red foods and beverages. Just in case, it’s a good idea to phone the pediatrician if you notice red baby feces.

Dark Red or Black Baby Poop

According to Nanci Pittman, M.D., a pediatric gastroenterologist in New York City, dark red or black baby feces should be reported to the doctor since it could be an indication of gastrointestinal bleeding. A pediatrician should always examine any baby feces that has blood.

Gray or White Baby Poop

According to Dr. Pittman, gray or chalky infant feces is a sign of liver disease, insufficient bile production, or nutritional malabsorption. Dial your child’s pediatrician immediately.

The Verdict on Baby Poop

Baby feces come in a variety of hues, and the majority are typical, i.e. Baby excrement frequently comes out in shades of yellow, brown, and green. Make an appointment with your doctor to rule out any health issues if you notice other colors in your baby’s poop, such as red, white, black (after the meconium stage), or pale yellow. Urgent medical assistance is required for excrement that is silver, wine-red, maroon, or looks like raspberry gel.

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