8 Different Types of Child Care

March 24, 2023

Searching for additional assistance with your children? Choose the finest care choice for your family by learning more about different types of child care such as nannies, babysitters, au pairs, mothers’ helpers, and daycare institutions.

Whether you are returning to the job or want extra help around the house, childcare providers can provide a break for you. Nonetheless, you may feel overwhelmed by the range of options, including nannies, au pairs, mother’s helpers, and family daycare institutions.

The good news is that a provider can meet your needs regardless of your budget size or how often you need care (full-time or part-time). Continue reading to discover more about child care’s many forms and determine which is ideal for your family.

1. Babysitter

A babysitter is a person who is hired on an hourly basis to care for children. They may work throughout the day or night and provide childcare in your residence or theirs. “Most babysitters work the job on the side while also juggling other responsibilities, like education or full-time work,” says Lindsay Heller, a licensed clinical psychologist, and childcare consultant at The Nanny Doctor. The primary responsibility of a babysitter is to care for your child, including tasks such as preparing food, putting children down for naps or bedtime, assisting with homework, and providing transportation to and from extracurricular activities.

Babysitting wages vary based on a number of factors, including the babysitter’s and parents’ ages, number of children in need of care, and the babysitter’s availability. According to the 2022 UrbanSitter National Child Care Rate Survey, the going rate for a babysitter caring for one child is $20.57 per hour, and the going rate for two children is $23.25 per hour.

Check services like UrbanSitter, Care.com, and Sittercity if you cannot obtain references from friends or family. Some of these websites include background checks and references, while others may demand a fee for access to the sitter’s contact information.

2. A Mother’s Helper

A mother’s helper is a childcare worker who supervises and amuses a youngster while the mom is at home. Oftentimes, these helpers are younger than the parent (about junior high age) and may lack the expertise of a babysitter. Since they’re typically not supervising a child on their own, charges can range from free (when the assistant is only seeking experience) to a few bucks per hour. The easiest way to discover a mother’s helper is to ask reliable parents within your social network whether they know preteens seeking childcare experience.

3. Daycare Facility

A daycare facility provides childcare in a non-residential setting. Some daycare facilities offer hourly care, but the vast majority offer half or full-day services, which may include activities, food, naps, and outings. “Centers can provide more structured learning chances and excellent social development possibilities with other children,” says Willer.

Monthly costs for daycare vary significantly depending on location and type of care supplied. Utilize referrals from friends, search engines, or state licensing agency lists to locate daycare establishments in your area.

4. Nanny

Hate rushing your child out the door in the morning? Consider hiring a babysitter. A nanny or in-home caregiver may be more convenient for parents.

Typically, a nanny has a more frequent and involved contact with the family. They may supervise the child for numerous hours per day or on a regular weekly schedule. Unlike babysitters, nannies have chosen to devote themselves to the childcare industry. Some nannies will also have a formal education in child development or a comparable subject. In addition to engaging in developmental activities, they may cook or clean for the family.

Generally, nannies charge by the hour; however, they may be compensated weekly or monthly. Often, rates are greater than those of a conventional babysitter. If you want someone else to perform background and reference checks, hire an agency. Alternatively, if you want to browse prospects on your own, consider internet services such as Care.com, or check with local colleges to see if any students with flexible schedules are looking for work.

5. Au Pair

A person from a different country who offers live-in child care for a family is an au pair. In French, au pair means “at par” or “equal to” because the au pair is meant to be regarded as a family member. Au pair responsibilities might include everything connected to child care but typically do not include housekeeping.

In exchange for a predetermined number of childcare hours, the host family gives housing, board, and a stipend based on minimum wage in the United States. Other expenses include agency fees, an obligatory educational stipend, and travel charges. The U.S. Department of State supervises a dozen or so licensed agencies through which families must obtain au pairs.

6. Child Care Swap

In a childcare swap, two or more parents alternate days watching each other’s and their own children. These agreements are cost-free and convenient, but they necessitate good communication between the interested parents regarding expectations, availability, and reciprocity.

7. Family Childcare

A family daycare center, also known as a home daycare center, provides childcare in an individual’s home. Family daycares are typically less expensive than regular daycare centers and may be located in your area. They typically have fewer children, which may make some parents and children feel more at ease. According to Barbara Sawyer, director of special projects for the National Association for Family Child Care, “quality, licensed family childcare will provide much more than just group babysitting.”

Several state licensing rules mandate that family daycares provide age- and developmentally-appropriate activities for children and that providers receive training. You can identify family daycare centers through word-of-mouth or review services such as Angie’s List, as they don’t typically promote heavily.

8. Relative Care

Relative care occurs when grandparents, aunts, uncles, or other relatives assist with the care of children. This form of care is advantageous because your child is being cared for by someone you already know. Yet, if you find it challenging to convey your expectations to a family member, this can potentially strain your familial bonds. Some family members (particularly retirees) may be ready to provide free childcare, but you should be prepared to discuss remuneration or compensation for their time and work.


Which childcare option should you choose? Fortunately, there is no superior type of childcare provider. In the end, the best childcare provider will be the one whose requirements and availability align with those of your family, who is reliable, and who can provide consistent, attentive care for your child.

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