In this article, you will discover the tricks to make diaper duty stress-free, so you can handle it like a pro with the help of parenting experts.
Whether you’re a parent-to-be preparing for future diaper changes or a new parent just entering the fray, it can feel like a monumental undertaking. There are several factors to consider when changing your baby’s diaper. You must control the mess, prevent diaper rash, and traverse baby garments with various snapping mechanisms (or zipping). In addition, you must frequently soothe a persistently crying infant.
“Some infants detest having their diapers changed. Thus the entire process may rapidly become a tense situation loaded with unknowns: What exciting present will we discover? What is the baby’s mood? How would this activity transpire? “According to parenting counselor and creator of GIT Mom Eirene Heidelberger.
Diaper changes might be a bit of a bustle, but there are ways to keep things under control. Read on for the top-secret, life-improving diapering hacks from parenting gurus.
Practice Before Your Baby’s Birth
It’s normal to feel overwhelmed in the months and weeks leading up to your child’s birth. However, once your child arrives, you can anticipate that burden to double. Therefore, Heidelberger suggests practicing changing diapers well before your baby’s due date.
“This will familiarize you with what must be done and when,” she says. “Acquire your materials and conduct a few practices runs with a stuffed animal or doll, involving your spouse as well.”
Select the Correct Diaper
If you want diaper changes to be easier, cleaner, and less stressful, you’ll need to stock up on the appropriate type of diaper. A contoured, leak-proof diaper, such as Huggies Little Movers, offers active newborns a snug fit due to its particular contoured form. Bonus: Their SizeUp Indicator helps new parents know when it’s time to switch to a larger size of diaper, so their child’s clothing will always fit over the diaper.
Provide many Changing Stations
Abandon the idea of a single changing table, as it will only be helpful when you are in the nursery (which will not be as often as you believe). Keep a few attractive boxes throughout the house stocked with a changing pad, diapers, ointment, a small toy, and perhaps a change of clothes.
Groner recommends setting up a mobile changing station in the trunk of your automobile.
Protect Your Changing Stations
It’s impossible to be too careful when it comes to a baby’s changing table. Dr. Mary Ann LoFrumento, assistant professor of pediatrics at Columbia University, recommends providing a safe, flat surface for changing diapers on younger children.
Additionally, never leave a newborn unsupervised for even a moment. Ensure that you always have everything you will need within reach.
“To prevent the baby from accidentally ingesting creams, place them in double plastic zip lock bags (a smaller one within a larger one) and avoid powders that are unnecessary and harmful if inhaled,” she continues.
Keep Your Diaper Bag Stocked
Ensure that your diaper bag is stocked with diapers, clothing, and wipes when you are on the move, and replenish as necessary. Alison Mitzner, M.D., a pediatrician in New York City and author of Calm and Confident Parenting, recommends replenishing as frequently as possible, well in advance of running out of supplies, and anticipating your baby’s growth.
“The weeks will pass rapidly, and your child will grow quickly in the first few months and years,” she explains. “It just adds to your worry when you are out and about, and you reach for your diaper bag only to find that you are out of wipes, diapers, or replacement clothes or that they are the wrong size.”
Establish Distractions
As a new parent, you will rapidly realize the necessity of mastering the art of distraction. And there is no more crucial time to utilize this skill than during diaper changes.
In addition to providing your baby with a physical distraction, such as a pacifier or toy they may play with during diaper changes, Dr. Mitzner suggests singing songs to your baby and maintaining eye contact. She advises that singing your baby’s favorite songs will go a long way toward calming them down.
Maintain Your Calm
Expect occasional kicking, shouting, and chaos, but it is essential to maintain as much composure as possible, regardless of the circumstances. Dr. Mitzner states, “Remaining calm yourself has a calming influence on your child and a stressful environment.”
“Take deep breaths, chuckle, and guffaw even when your child is fussy,” she advises. Typically, the most effective technique to handle a crisis is to complete the task as fast as possible, followed by providing comfort.
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