Baby Meals That Cause Gas

April 13, 2023

If your little one is experiencing an unusual amount of gas, it could be due to certain foods in their diet. Here are some baby meals that may cause gas and some tips to help ease their discomfort.

There are a number of actual reasons why all infants feel gas from time to time. For instance, infants typically ingest extra air when crying or nursing. Babies fail to burp on their own, which increases the likelihood of swallowed air becoming retained and traveling down the digestive tract. In addition, infants have an underdeveloped digestive tract, which makes certain infants more sensitive to gas, a common consequence of food digestion.

But, if your child is continuously gassy, especially after eating, specific foods may be to blame. Breastfed babies are just as susceptible to their mother’s beverage habits as those fed from a bottle. Continue reading to discover which foods may cause gas in infants and expert-recommended remedies for reducing their discomfort.

Can My Baby’s Food Cause Gas?

How can you determine if your baby’s flatulence relates to its diet? A physician in Atlanta, Jennifer Shu, M.D., explains, “If your baby’s recent meal is actually to blame, then you should expect gas to arise within a couple of hours of swallowing the gas-inducing food.” Moreover, the food may remain in your baby’s digestive system for up to three days.

You may observe some obvious indicators of gassiness in your newborn, although infants normally do not experience pain from gas. “A trapped burp may manifest as the infant arching their torso to release gas “According to qualified pediatric nutritionist and lactation consultant Aubrey Phelps. Infants may also groan or bear down in an effort to pass gas.

Which foods give infants gas?

Many of the same items that commonly cause flatulence in adults can also contribute to your infant’s digestive issues. Certain foods are more likely to cause flatulence:

  • Wheat that contains carbohydrates.
  • Onions
  • Beans
  • Such sorbitol-rich stone fruits as prunes, peaches, and apricots.
  • Such fructose-rich fruits as apples and pears.
  • Broccoli, cauliflower, and Brussels sprouts are examples of vegetables.
  • Dairy products

But, remember that while certain foods tend to induce excessive gas, they are not typically to blame. Infants consume food continually, and their bowels are constantly active; where there are feces, there is natural gas.

Should you eliminate foods that cause gas from your infant’s diet?

It’s understandable if you want to exclude some foods from your baby’s (and your own, if you’re breastfeeding) diet to reduce flatulence. Dr. Shu says, “We’ve seen parents eliminate foods totally to fight a reported gas problem.” However, the majority of doctors advise against this; eliminating certain foods will not necessarily alleviate the gassiness, and dietary limitations will limit your baby’s nutrition.

Ari Brown, M.D., an Austin, Texas-based physician and author of Baby 411, recommends nutrient- and fiber-rich foods to maintain your baby’s stool soft and regular. If your diet is deficient in nutrient-dense meals, you run the danger of constipation, which is a far more serious issue than gas.

However, “limiting the menu removes some of the enjoyment from meals,” according to Dr. Shu. Food exploration is a significant milestone when beginning solids, and it is fascinating to observe infants discover new mealtime options. Introducing solids will move your baby’s digestive system, and excess gas is a normal side effect.

But, if the gassiness is causing considerable discomfort, the advantages of food removal may exceed the disadvantages. Develop a family plan with the help of your child’s healthcare practitioner.

How to Relieve Gas in Infants

There is no need for concern if your infant is gassy; gas is not dangerous. Nonetheless, Phelps recommends the following treatments if the gas is causing discomfort.

  • Abdominal massage. Focus on the lower quadrants while you massage your infant’s stomach (below the belly button).
  • Leg cycling exercises. Place your infant on their back and move their legs in a bicycle-like motion.
  • Stomach time. Placing your infant on their stomach with their favorite toys is a natural approach to alleviate gas.
  • Increased burping. If you burp your baby more frequently, you may expel more gas.
  • Try another bottle or nipper. If you are bottle-feeding your baby, experiment with various bottle and nipple sizes. This can alter the formula’s flow, which may assist in reducing the amount of air swallowed.
  • Probiotics. Probiotic drops may alleviate gas and colic in infants, and they can be administered from birth, despite the lack of data to back these claims. Consult your physician before feeding your infant any supplement.

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