How to Explain the Three Branches of Government to Kids

April 21, 2023

A parent and professional political strategist breaks down how to explain the three branches of government to kids (and, well, adults) by answering their most often asked questions, from how checks and balances function to which branch develops our laws. Get ready to demystify the workings of the government for your little ones.

The operation of the federal government is intricate. You are not the only one who doesn’t know which cases the Supreme Court looks at, who carries out the rules made by Congress, or how each part of the government works.

I’ve spent more than 15 years as a political strategist, conducting podcast interviews with individuals such as Hillary Clinton, Stacey Abrams, and Nancy Pelosi. One of the most popular topics on my podcast and social media is teaching the three branches of government through bite-sized policy interviews that allow listeners to better comprehend this complex structure. I have categorized the branches of government based on these dialogues and my 2- and 4-year-old children’s challenging political inquiries.

What Are the Three Governmental Branches?

The federal government, which controls the entire nation, consists of three independent but equally powerful groupings or branches. Each branch functions differently, and collectively they are responsible for making and enforcing national laws.

The executive branch.

The president leads the executive branch, which is made up of several departments that carry out the president’s policies. The electoral college elects the president on behalf of the entire nation.

The legislative branch.

Congress represents the legislative branch of government. There are two houses in Congress: the House of Representatives and the Senate. Once approved and signed by the president, Congress has the authority to enact regulations that effect the entire nation.

The judicial branch.

The last branch is the judicial branch, which consists of courts. There are various tiers of judges and courts, beginning with District Courts and culminating with the Supreme Court. The president makes judicial nominations, which are then confirmed (decided on) by the Senate.

What Prevents One Branch of Government From Having Excessive Power?

The “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” prevent any single branch from becoming too dominant. Separation of powers refers to the government’s three distinct branches (powers). Checks and balances ensure that each branch has equal authority.

For instance, if the president, a single individual, decides to adopt a regulation, Congress can vote to overrule the president’s rule and pass their own. The new congressional regulation will then become law.

Yet, if the president dislikes a legislation created by Congress, they have the option to sign it or not.

Lastly, the judicial branch serves as a check on the legislative and executive branches because it interprets the Constitution to ensure that Congress and the president have the authority to enact the rules they have drafted.

As a check on the judicial branch, the president chooses the federal judges, and Congress can vote to impeach and remove them from office. Moreover, if the judicial branch determines that a particular legislation is unconstitutional, Congress might write a new law in its place.

Which Branch of Government is Responsible for Making Laws?

The legislative and executive branches collaborate to create laws. When a bill is passed by Congress, the president must sign it into law. After a legislation is enacted, the executive branch is responsible for its day-to-day execution. The judicial branch does not write laws, but their decisions on pending cases might result in the creation of new laws or the revision of existing ones.

Which Governmental Branch Enforces Laws?

Both the executive and judicial branches are responsible for law enforcement. Departments such as the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) are responsible for enforcing the law inside the executive branch. If someone files a complaint, the judicial branch can determine whether laws are correctly executed.

Which Governmental Branch Interprets Laws?

The judicial branch resolves legal disputes. They will examine if a law is constitutional and how it should be applied. But, the executive branch must also interpret and implement the legislation because they are responsible for its execution and ensuring that everything goes smoothly.

Does the President Have Complete Authority?

Although the president has considerable power, it is not absolute. Before something may become law, Congress must vote on it, and the president must sign it. Congress can also override the president’s rules, and the judicial branch can determine whether the president has the authority to enact the rule in question.

Who Are the Members of Congress, and What Is the Different Between the Senate and the House?

The two branches of Congress are the House of Representatives and the Senate. Regardless of size, each state has two senators to represent its residents in the Senate. There are 100 senators because there are 50 states.

Every House member is chosen to represent an electoral district in their home state. There are 435 members in the House, and the number of elected legislators from each state is proportional to the state’s population. Members of the House remain in office for two years until the next election, while members of the Senate remain in office for six years until the next election.

Congress is comprised of the House and Senate, and their primary responsibility is to propose and pass legislation. Yet, they are distinct in the following ways:

  • The House can impeach or accuse a person of doing illegal conduct.
  • The Senate holds the hearing/trial about the accusation or impeachment.
  • The Senate also votes on cabinet positions and Supreme Court justices nominated by the president.

How Can One Join the Supreme Court?

The president first nominates you. The Senate, which is part of the legislative branch, then votes on whether to offer you the position on the Supreme Court. If most Senators vote for you, you’ll be on the Supreme Court for the rest of your life (or until you choose to retire).

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