4 Possible Signs of Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

April 27, 2023

Find out whether or not stretch marks are something that you should anticipate while you are carrying your child.

We are confident in saying that the development of stretch marks during pregnancy is not one of the things you are most looking forward to on the path to becoming a mother. But to tell you the truth, you will likely get them. According to Dr. Debra Jaliman, a dermatologist in New York City, research suggests that nine out of ten pregnant women will get stretch marks at some point during their pregnancy, typically in the sixth or seventh month. It is reasonable to presume that you will be engaged in this skin struggle if you can respond “yes” to any of the relevant elements listed above. The, uh, bright side, if you will? You’re absolutely not alone!

Sign #1: Your mother has them.

Stretch marks are similar to other types of human conditions in that genetics significantly influence the ailment’s development. Your mother’s skin may be inherently lacking in elastin, and that’s why she got stretch marks throughout her pregnancy (the connective tissue skin needs in order not to tear). Therefore, it’s not a stretch to imagine that the effects on your skin could be similar to those stated above (no pun intended).

Sign #2: You are young.

Beginning a family at a young age may be beneficial for your health in many ways, but delaying pregnancy to avoid skin discoloration during pregnancy is not one of those ways. Imagine a young person’s skin to be like a new rubber band: As it is rigid and stiff, it is liable to rupture under pressure if stretched too far. As you age, your skin’s stiffness naturally starts to go down. This means it doesn’t have to stretch as much to keep up with your growing body.

Stretch marks are a normal and unavoidable pregnancy consequence, as they are caused by weight growth.

It’s possible that the only thing you can do to help prevent complications during your pregnancy is to put up your best effort to gain weight healthily over time. Ob-gyns recommend that women acquire between 25 and 35 pounds during pregnancy if they had a normal weight before becoming pregnant. You should make every effort to gain no more than the prescribed number.

Sign #3: You put on weight quite quickly.

Stretch marks are a common consequence of pregnancy because of the normal weight gain that occurs during this time. Although everyone is different and only so much is within your control, medical professionals generally advise patients to steadily and gradually increase their weight over time. You shouldn’t panic if your weight goes up or down a little less than you believe it should at any given week, advises the March of Dimes, and you should also be aware that you’ll experience growth spurts.

Sign #4: You got them when you hit puberty.

A dermatologist in New York City named Dendy Engelman, M.D., claims that hormonal changes might enhance the skin’s fragility and make it more prone to tearing. This is especially true in women. If you can still see scars from when you were a teenager on your hips, abdomen, breasts, or buttocks, there is a strong risk that history will repeat itself.

Stacie T. had stretch marks on her breasts since puberty, but she didn’t notice the little squiggles on her lower belly until she was seven months pregnant. Stacie T., 35, is a first-time mother who lives in Silver Spring, Maryland, with her 8-month-old daughter. She says she got stretch marks on her breasts during puberty. She remembers thinking at the time that it seemed as though it had occurred overnight. Now, whenever she examines her appearance in the mirror, she has to admit, “They cause me annoyance. However, I try to change how I think about it by telling myself, “I have a gorgeous, happy, and healthy baby.” Who cares if this is the price I have to pay to be with her if this is what it takes?”


Dermatologists agree that the best way to defend yourself against stretch marks, even in the face of these warning signals, is to moisturize your skin twice daily with a thick cream or oil.

If prevention is unsuccessful, other methods, such as treatments with pulsed dye lasers, may assist in diminishing their visibility. But there is a second possibility: Take the approach Stacie T. did and be proud to show off your wounds from the fight.

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