Medical professionals reveal the reality about top pregnancy concerns, addressing some of the most common worries expectant mothers have—and why these concerns aren’t quite as terrible as you might believe them to be.
Why It’s Natural To Feel Anxious Throughout Pregnancy And How To Deal With It
During pregnancy, it is normal for you to experience some anxiety. After all, this whole thing is brand new, and there is no telling what will happen with it. All you really want is your nine-month pregnancy to go off without a hitch. And would you believe it? It is typical for it too. In this article, medical professionals discuss the topics that scare you the most and explain the real truths behind them. Continue reading, and let out a great breath of relief as you do.
I’ll endure a pregnancy loss.
According to Karyn Morse, MD, an OB-GYN at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, most pregnancies result in healthy babies. Although up to 26% of all pregnancies and 10% of ultrasound-confirmed pregnancies end in miscarriage, this is the case.
“Also keep in mind that the majority of miscarriages occur within the first few weeks of pregnancy,” she says. “At this point in the pregnancy, many people aren’t aware that they are pregnant and wouldn’t know if they did miscarry.” They would have a period that appears to be normal.
The risk of a miscarriage lowers to around 5 percent after your doctor can observe a heartbeat, which typically occurs between 6 and 8 weeks into a pregnancy. According to Diane Ashton, MD, MPH, who serves as the deputy medical director for the March of Dimes, the likelihood of experiencing a second miscarriage is extremely low and falls below 3 percent.
So what exactly is it that brings on an abortion? It is often the result of an abnormality in the chromosomes that prevent the embryo from developing normally. In these cases, miscarriage is completely unavoidable and is not the result of anything the pregnant woman did or did not do. You can reduce your risk, though, by not engaging in risky behaviors such as smoking or drinking alcohol and by consuming less caffeine.
This morning sickness is driving me crazy! It seems my infant isn’t receiving enough to eat.
In the opinion of Dr. Morse, newborns make excellent parasites, if you’ll excuse the comparison. “They’ll absorb all of the nourishment from the meals you do give them, so even if you’re living on nothing but crackers and juice, you don’t need to worry,” she points out. They’ll get all the nutrients they need from the food you give them.
According to Dr. Ashton, morning sickness will not cause any nutritional imbalance or affect the fetus. “Unless you are so sick that you lose a lot of water, in which case you would feel so bad that you would call your doctor anyway,” Dr. Ashton says. “Morning sickness is not going to cause you to become severely dehydrated.”
Just make sure to take your prenatal vitamins consistently, and other than that, do the best you can. “Eat modest, frequent meals,” urges Dr. Morse. “Your digestive system will usually respond better to smaller nibbles than it would to one large bite. Eating more frequently can prevent you from being overly hungry, which is the state in which most women experience the greatest amount of nausea.”
If you discover that you are continually leaning over the toilet bowl, your physician may recommend taking an anti-nausea medicine that is safe for the unborn child. Keep in mind that most expectant mothers can stomach a larger variety of nutritious foods after approximately 16 weeks of pregnancy, which is ironically about the same time your baby needs to start growing more weight. So, hang in there!
It’s possible that my baby will be harmed if I consume the wrong food or drink.
According to Dr. Morse, expectant parents feel a lot of pressure during pregnancy to make sure they are taking all of the “proper” steps. But wallowing in anxiety over each and every choice would drive you insane, and there’s no reason for you to do so. During the initial appointment of your pregnancy, your doctor should go through the important dos and don’ts, and you should bring up any serious concerns at that time. Remember that it is impossible for anyone to follow all the rules and suggestions perfectly.
Even things that doctors tell you not to do, like eating cheese that hasn’t been pasteurized or dying your hair during your first trimester, probably don’t pose very big risks. We’re just being extra careful. Even the risks of doing things like eating cheese that hasn’t been pasteurized or dying your hair in the first trimester. Therefore, you do not need to feel concerned if you inadvertently purchase a turkey sandwich or if you sip a glass of juice while attending a brunch and then discover that it is not pasteurized. And, hey, we’re willing to bet that your mother didn’t do half of the things that you’re doing for your kid, and look how amazing it turned out for you!
My anxiety is harming the baby.
It is typical to feel a little bit on edge from time to time when you are pregnant because of those crazy hormones, the sheer tiredness, and the preparation for a kid. But Dr. Morse says that worrying about your stress is pointless, especially since a hard day at work won’t hurt your unborn child.
Most studies have shown that intermittent stress, which is the kind your body gets used to over time, doesn’t have much of an effect on an unborn child. While there is evidence from some studies that acute, severe stress can increase the likelihood that a baby will have complications such as premature birth, most experts agree that the most important factor is how you respond to the stressful situation.
In conclusion, if you are aware that you tend to become really tense, you should make an effort to dial things back a notch and discover a means to reclaim your calm at the end of a challenging day. This could be venting to your partner, writing about your feelings in a journal, or getting to bed an hour earlier than usual.
My child will be born with a congenital problem.
You are one of the many expectant parents who hold their breath throughout each and every prenatal test, hoping that the results will show that your baby is healthy and developing normally as expected. And there is an almost certain certainty that they are. There is just a 4% chance that your kid will be born with any kind of birth problem. This includes those that are serious, as well as all of the thousands of other abnormalities that have been identified. Many of these abnormalities are minor and unimportant, such as a problem with a toenail or a tiny heart defect that corrects itself shortly after birth without causing any adverse effects on the patient’s health.
Even if a screening test like an ultrasound or a quad screen shows an abnormal result, this doesn’t always mean something is wrong. According to Dr. Morse, the results of the following tests demonstrate that there is no cause for concern in the majority of cases.
Taking a multivitamin that contains folic acid before becoming pregnant and taking your prenatal vitamins regularly is the most effective strategy to protect your unborn child from having brain or spinal problems. You should also discuss any specific worries with your primary care physician. They should be able to offer you a clear sense of the genuine risks, taking into account the medical history of your family and your age, and they should also be able to assist in putting your “what if” anxieties into perspective.
The labor process is going to be excessively difficult or unpleasant.
You will likely get concerned about the labor and delivery process at some point after realizing that your baby requires an exit strategy at some point in the future. First, it’s important to gain some perspective and remember that humans have been carrying out these activities ever since the beginning of recorded history, and fortunately, there are many pain management options available in today’s world. Learn about different methods for managing labor pain, enroll in childbirth preparation programs, consult with as many people as possible for advice on how they got through the labor process, and write out a birth plan to go over with your attending physician.
According to Dr. Morse, “No matter how much you worry, it’s crucial to have a doctor you can confide in, discuss openly with about your concerns and hopes for the delivery room, and who can explain what actually to expect.” The phrase “it will go a long way toward putting your mind at ease” comes to mind here.
I will fail as a parent.
You are at a stage in your life where you fully understand who you are—not just as an individual but also, perhaps, as a partner, a professional, or even the owner of a pet. But what will happen if you include a child in the dynamic that has already been established? Will you be able to fulfill the responsibilities of both your old and new lives, not to mention figure out a way to teach and discipline your child while simultaneously fostering their sense of self-worth and independence?
There is no limit to our capacity as humans to form relationships. It’s a good indicator that you care about being a responsible parent if you’re concerned about it. It indicates that you care genuinely and profoundly. And that is an indication that you are ideally suited for the new role you have been given.
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