As a new parent, you may be curious about the 1-3 month milestones in infant growth and development. It’s important to know what to expect during this time to help your child reach important developmental milestones. These recommendations will provide guidance and support as your little one progresses through the early stages of life.
Observe Your Face
Your infant will begin to process your face as a whole instead of focusing on particular aspects, like the eyes. Consider purchasing an unbreakable mirror to hang near your infant’s crib or changing table; they will enjoy observing their own facial emotions and movements.
Smile at Your Voice
As a significant one month milestone, your infant will grin when they know your voice, as it evokes memories of nourishment, comfort, and warmth. Talk to them in baby speak; high-pitched, sluggish, and exaggerated voices are likely their favorite.
Establish a Social Smile
Your infant will soon acquire a genuine gummy smile. Promote this delightful 1 month milestone by engaging in “smile-talk” with your baby. Occasionally, they’ll flash you a broad smile and chatter to get your attention. Smile back immediately to reinforce this behavior
Put Hand to Mouth
Even if your infant appears to be slapping itself, allow them to try bringing their fingers to their lips. This is an essential 2-month milestone for babies. They will ultimately achieve their target, at which point they will be able to suck their thumb whenever they like.
See Moving Things
Your infant’s eyes should begin to track moving things as their vision matures. Promote this three-month milestone by suspending a colorful mobile from the crib or changing the table. Set it to a low pace initially, then gradually raise it as your baby becomes adept at following the items.
Before saying their first word, your infant will babble as a type of vocal communication for several months. Parents should frequently read to their young children; babies adore books with vivid illustrations and high-contrast patterns that give visual stimulation.
Elevate Both the Head and Chest
During stomach time, your infant should begin lifting their head in the first few months of life, even only for a few seconds. This action will strengthen the muscles in the neck. Shortly, they will also raise their arms and shoulders.
Stretching and Kicking While Prone
When your infant gains strength in their lower body, they may stretch and kick while lying down. During a 3-month milestone, some infants learn to roll from front to back; pay constant attention, so they don’t slide into danger or off their changing table.
Enjoy Other Infants
Infants may also be sociable! While your child is alert and content, let family and friends hold him. As they get more sociable, enroll them in a playgroup with children of a similar age. Be prepared for your infant to cry when playing is over or when he or she has had enough stimulation and is ready for quiet time.
Identify Items and People at a Distance
Soon after birth, your infant knows you up close, but as their vision improves, they will begin identifying people and objects from a distance. When entering a room, speak to your infant through the doorway. If they can’t seem to find you, walk a few steps closer. Seeing your infant gazing out the window is an additional indication that their distant vision is developing normally.
Mimic Sounds
Infants learn by imitation, thus they will begin to imitate sounds about three months of age. Try eliminating baby language from your vocabulary. Infants learn a great deal about intonation and rhythm by listening to adult speech.
Develop Your Physical Expression
Your child’s facial expressions and body language will grow more expressive. For instance, screams and tears indicate hunger, wetness, fatigue, loneliness, or discomfort. As you become more attuned to their signals, you may be able to anticipate their needs before they even realize something is wrong.
Open and Close Hands
Your child will also be able to open and close their hands at 3 months of age, which is a significant development. Due to the fact that they may not understand the hands belong to them, their accidental discovery will captivate them. Stimulate their growth by placing a rattle or toy in their open hand and seeing whether or not they can grasp it.
Improve Your Hand-Eye Coordination
After roughly three months, a development in vision and motor skills leads to hand-eye coordination. Place your infant on your lap and softly move a soft toy in front of their face to practice. Urge them to use their hands to bat at the thing. The exercise will improve their coordination and depth awareness even if they do not initially make contact.
Orient the Head to Sound
About 3 months, your child may begin to turn his or her head toward intriguing sounds. Promote this cognitive growth by exposing your infant to a variety of sounds; sing to them, take them on walks, and run errands with them.
Do not be hesitant to expose kids to crowds or live performances of family-friendly music. (But, they may still be scared by strong noises, so be prepared to calm them if necessary.)
Imitate Moves
In addition to imitating your sounds, your infant will mimic your motions and facial expressions. Participate by sitting on your lap with your infant facing you, holding his or her hands in yours, and singing nursery rhymes with motions.
Reduce Weight on Legs
Your infant is gradually increasing leg strength. For balance practice, raise them so that their feet land softly on a firm surface, then straighten and bend their knees. Carefully hold your infant such that you are supporting their body weight while allowing them to experience “standing.”
Shake and Grab Things
When provided with toys, your infant may grasp and shake them. About 3 months, they should also be able to grasp objects. Attempt to entice them by suspending a toy just outside their grasp and seeing whether they reach it.
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