Following childbirth, some individuals may experience postpartum hemorrhoids, which are varicose veins in the rectum that can cause itching and discomfort. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll provide all the essential information you need to know about postpartum hemorrhoids, including effective treatments and measures to alleviate their symptoms.
The anus and rectum veins can swell and cause a condition known as hemorrhoids. The extreme pressure of pushing causes hemorrhoids to develop in many women for the first time during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are also frequent after birth due to the same reason. Hemorrhoids are frequently made worse after giving birth by constipation, another typical postpartum problem.
According to an OB-GYN in Washington, D.C. named, Constance Bohon, M.D., who specializes in postpartum hemorrhoids, the likelihood of developing them after giving birth is higher for women who experienced hemorrhoids during their pregnancies. It’s possible to have internal or external hemorrhoids, but either way, they’re not typically a cause for concern for new parents.
This article covers postpartum hemorrhoid symptoms and treatments.
Hemorrhoids after Childbirth: Common Symptoms
After giving birth, how will you be able to tell whether you have hemorrhoids? The rectum region causes discomfort for the majority of women. Sometimes hemorrhoids will be noticeable; they will appear like a pink pea protruding from your privates at those times. According to registered nurse Jeanne Faulkner, other adverse effects include itching, burning, and pain. They are also prone to bleeding, particularly after using the restroom.
Hemorrhoids that Occur After Childbirth and How to Treat Them
Stool softeners and topical medicines containing hydrocortisone are two examples of what medical professionals could recommend reducing edema. Other treatments for hemorrhoids that occur after birth include the following:
- Have multiple sitz baths throughout the day, each lasting fifteen minutes. These soaks in warm water ought to alleviate any pain that you may be experiencing.
- Hemorrhoid swelling can be reduced by using an ice pack on the afflicted area for 15-minute intervals while wrapped in a towel. You might also switch back and forth between ice and soaking in warm water.
- Use a pad soaked in witch hazel to wipe your behind, or dab some liquid witch hazel onto a cold compress and use it. The plant will assist in relieving both the itching and the pain.
- Use toilet paper that is not perfumed and is on the softer side to avoid more irritation.
- Constipation can be avoided by eating fiber-rich meals and drinking plenty of fluids.
The majority of postpartum hemorrhoids become well on their own within a few days to a few weeks after the baby is born. If they aren’t getting better after several days of treatment at home, you should make an appointment with your primary care physician. Notify them if the itching or pain gets severe, or if the vein appears purple or large, as any of these signs may indicate a blood clot.
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