The inside scoop on milk pumping schedules is shared by actual parents who turn to the breast pump as an alternative when nursing is unsuccessful. They discuss the advantages, disadvantages, and logistics of exclusive breastfeeding, providing insights into this alternative feeding method.
It’s a question posed to all new parents: breast or bottle? For a rising number of individuals, though, the response is an emphatic “Yes.”
Exclusive pumping is connecting a breast pump and bottle-feeding breast milk to a hungry baby instead of breastfeeding. The concept is gaining popularity among parents who cannot breastfeed but still want their children to receive the benefits of breast milk.
According to Marianne Pastore, administrator of the lactation program at Massachusetts General Hospital, “with exclusive pumping, the infant still receives a substantial amount of vitamins and immunological defenses.” I congratulate the mother who is determined to provide breast milk to her child in any form.
Want to only express breast milk? Here is everything you need to know, along with success tips from actual mothers.
Exclusive pumping is difficult. Very, extremely difficult.
To avoid alarming you, exclusive pumping can be physically demanding. Initially, while establishing your milk supply, you may feel tethered to the equipment as you pump eight, ten, or even twelve times each day. Your breasts will certainly hurt. Then there’s washing pump bottles, feeding bottles, and pump components.
And for mothers who had hoped to nurse, it can often be emotionally challenging to accept the change in plan. “To not be able to nurse—I felt like something was wrong with me,” said Lindsey Glasnepp of Seattle, who pumped for 10 months when her first baby wouldn’t latch.
But it does get easier.
You will establish a rhythm and discover time-saving techniques (an incredibly useful example is storing your breast pump parts in a plastic bag in the fridge between sessions and washing them just once a day). It gets considerably better.
Sarah Gagnon, a Boston-area mother who began pumping when her baby refused to latch, said, “If you can get through the first couple of weeks, it becomes almost second nature.” “You get into a groove.”
People will stare and then ask questions.
Exclusive breastfeeding is not a common practice; family members, other mothers, and even doctors were confused when I explained how I was feeding my kid. Lindsay Grenert, a mother from a suburb of Dallas, resorted to exclusive pumping after learning that her daughter’s cleft lip and palate would preclude her from nursing. She had the opportunity to investigate the practice but observed how little discussion there was regarding the alternative.
“It would be wonderful if there were more information and if it were discussed more often,” she remarked.
Start by establishing “pump stations.”
If you are going to commit to the process, you need optimize your environment for success. Gagnon has three “pumping stations,” each with its own equipment: one in her bedroom, one in her living room, and one in her automobile. She stated, “I’ve never had to pack or move a pump.”
Partners should join in the enjoyment.
It is a biological need that nursing mothers wake up in the middle of the night to feed their infants. Yet when your refrigerator is stocked with breast milk, your partner may also respond to your infant’s cries at 2 a.m., allowing him to bond with your child and providing you an extra hour or two of sleep.
Moreover, bottlefeeding promotes bonding time.
When I gave up my desire to breastfeed my daughter, I missed the bond I felt during our few successful breastfeeding sessions. Nonetheless, bottlefeeding might provide possibilities for bonding. Remember that you are still nursing your cherished child and spending tranquil time in her loving embrace.
Gagnon stated, “I never felt like I was missing out on anything.” “I still had to feed her, and we continued to cuddle.”
It will feel nice to be liberated; embrace it!
Exclusive pumping allows you to be further away from your kid in the event that he becomes hungry. Use this opportunity for your mental and physical wellbeing. Leave a bottle with a grandmother or babysitter while you go for a walk or have supper with your partner.
“A month after the birth of my daughter, I went to the gym,” Glasnepp explained. She is currently breastfeeding her second child but stated that the first time around, “I had much more flexibility and independence.”
You may stop whenever you’re ready. Period.
There may come a moment when you decide to supplement with formula or stop pumping altogether, which is perfectly acceptable. Gagnon began weaning her baby off the breast pump at six months when she had frozen enough breast milk to sustain her until her first birthday. Grenert recognized she was losing time with her other two children when she learned she had met her original aim of pumping until her daughter’s operation.
She stated, “People just need to give themselves a break.” “Every bottle of breast milk I was able to give her was ultimately a success and a labor of love,” she said.
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